Meeting to Willowmoon Clan

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Jaune P.O.V

So this is it huh? This is how I die? Not at the hands of Grimm....but of my own kind....

I laid there bloodied and beaten. My sword is in my chest. My shield battered. And Team CRDL is laughing away as they leave me for dead.

After it was revealed that I faked my way in Beacon to my friends and headmaster they all accepted it after I told them the reason why and that I'm thankful they stood by me. But Team CRDL and their Leader Cardin didn't like that. So when Ozpin sent me on a simple recon mission into the Emerald Forest to make sure no one was outside since it was past curfew and I did the night patrols sometimes (if not me then Pyrrha or Yang or Blake) when Cardin and his team ambushed me and that led to the here and now.

"I'm.....sorry.....Ozpin.....guess I..... wasn't" I said softly as I felt myself drifting....only then feel myself be lifted up and a soft voice speak.

"Help him Urandel." The voice said.

"Yes Lady Willowmoon ." Another more masculine voice said.

With that I was hoisted up and felt I was flying faster than a Giant Nevermore as I heard the feminine voice speak one last time before I blacked out.

"By Eana's Grace may you be healed." The voice said.

I woke up slowly to see I was....not in my dorm.

I sat up.....and immediately fell back on the bed I was in.....wait bed?

I slowly sat up and looked around the room I was in.

It was a nice room to be honest. Beautifully laid Oak wood flooring and walls of beautifully cut and laid Mahogany wood. I saw a white and silver rug on the floor nearest the door which was also made of Oak wood. There was an Oak Dresser to the far left of the room and a Dark Oak nightstand next to the bed. The bed looked to be a mix of Mahogany and Oak and was finely made. The sheet that covered me appeared to be made some sort of animal fur. It looked like wolf fur. There were books on top of the Nightstand as well as a cup with some sort of liquid in it.

Just then the door opened and I turned to see.....sweet Oum.

(Ears are still the same look just a tad shorter)

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(Ears are still the same look just a tad shorter)

The woman appeared to be about my age and had long silvery white hair that went down to her upper back and the most beautiful blue fresh cut sapphires. She wore a light green shirt that was lined on the neckline and arms in a dark almost azure blue. She had on some brown pants and boots as well. She was wearing what looked like a silver circlet on her head.

"Your awake I see." She said looking me over.

"Yeah. Still sore but nothing I can't handle." I said as I held me chest a bit.

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