Winter Truce pt.1

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Jaune P.O.V

It's been 3 weeks since the battle. My wounds are still healing but the smaller ones are good. The slash over my eye healed into a scar. The Clan has started to call me Velos Willowmoon, Son of Fenfaren and of Eenar. But I've gotten used to it. I've been learning more of the Elven Language now as well. Little did I know that it would come in handy very soon.

Currently I'm resting with Keylana in bed as we are resting after working. I helped get some wood with a few others while she was hunting for food for the Feast in a month.

"Hard to believe it's been almost a year now nin mel (my love)." She said to me as she laid her head on my chest.

"Indeed nin cugu (my dove). But I wouldn't change it at all." I said as she smiled and snuggled into my chest.

Just then the door was knocked on.

"It's open Mother." Keylana said as Lady Ravalynn walked in a bit pale.

"They've called a Tribune...." She said as Keylana sat up.

"Who has?" She asked.

"The Eastern Moon Clan of Dark Elves. Apparently Farendal and Meridia we're actually Farendal and Meridia Dremraged. Son and Daughter of the current heads." She said as Keylana gasped.

"Do they....." She began to ask.

"Yes my child.....they want blood." Fenfaren said sadly.

"How can we stop them?" She asked.

"No idea. Myself and your mother are going to the Tribune. Apparently they've called the Northern Sun Clan, The Northern and Eastern Fae and the Eastern Duskwind Clan of Elves and us." Fenfaren said.

Keylana sighed and looked at me.

"Stay here my love. We'll figure this out." She said as she kissed me and then went and grabbed her formal attire and left with her mother and father after putting it on. They had a royal escort with them as they left leaving me with the clan to run.

I watched them leave with Sir Dremir who agreed to stay behind. I sighed and went about helping the people but my mind kept playing over that has occured because of me. A Tribune for the lives of two who tried to invade under no reasoning or any form of justice....they were greedy.

Later that night while everyone slept I was at the wall with the guards looking out to the Forest.

"It seems the Dark Elves want vengeance....and something tells me this won't be a fast tribune." Dremir said to me as he walked up.

"Yeah....and it's my fault." I said.

"... Hopefully our other Clan and at least one Fae Clan will ally with us in the matter." He said.

"How many clans are there?" I asked.

He sighed.

"Used to be 12. There are three races. Elves, that's us. Then the Dark Elves. Lady is the Fae.

Then you have the 4 Clans of the Elves.

The Northern Highlands Clan, The Southern Sunlok Clan, The Eastern Duskwind Clan and us the Western Autumna Clan.

Then you have the Eastern Moon Clan, The Northern Sun Clan, The Western Waters Clan and the Southern Sky Clan of the Dark Elves.

Lastly is the Western Fae, The Northern Fae, The Southern Fae and the Eastern Fae.

Currently there only exists is and the Eastern Duskwind Clan and the Western Autumna Clan of the Elves. The Eastern Moon Clan and the Northern Sun Clan of the Dark Elves. And the Northern and Eastern Fae. The others were wiped out in the Dark Wars." Dremir said to me as I nodded.

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