The Consequences of Choices (Arc I Finale)

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Narrator P.O.V

So we have seen the recovery and the rebirth of Jaune Arc into Velos Willowmoon. We have seen the his rise from a simple man to a King and Unifier of three races into one. But what became of the places he called home? What became of the people he once called family and friends.

Well for starters the entire Arc Family became torn. Saphron Cotta-Arc and her wife Terra Cotta-Arc and their son disowned the Arcs stating that it's their fathers fault Jaune was killed because he didn't want to follow the way his father wanted him to be. The mother and father of the boys father became disgusted at their son who denied his own son the freedom to be himself. The parents of his mother were the same as they reminded her that she too has Elven blood in her. The other 6 sisters were scorned by many of the elders of the family for their treatment towards their brother. Hence the family now wishes to reconcile with their son.

At Beacon many thought the boy died when he didn't return. Many saw him as a weakling but one team saw his worth as a Huntsmen....Team CFVY. A third year team who saw the potential in him. Several if the staff saw him as a well rounded boy who had a good chance at being an outstanding was Beacons Combat Teacher Glynda Goodwitch. She thought it was weird how he 'died' has she had seen him slowly being able to hold himself on his own in combat. Ahe went investigating and discovered the meeting Ozpin had with Teams CRDL, RWBY and JNPR and them planning to kill him as well as the video of Team CRDL ambushing him hence why they said he died. It was a 4-on-1 against Jaune. She made Ozpin convene with the other teachers and students and showed the videos to the entire Beacon Body......needless to say their was an outrage. Ruby and Yang were seen as monsters by their parents and the same was for Blake and Pyrrha. Ozpin was looked at with disgust.....then it was shown how he was alive as a figure saved Elf (Whom I am sure we all know who).

Qrow Braunwen walked away from Ozpin and his shadow war stating that he won't fight for someone as bad as Salem. He also told Ruby and Yang how disappointed he was in them and revealed that he had come to the school without any transcripts as well and he had a much darker meaning for it but he turned his back on it....for his friends at Beacon.

Glynda, Port, Oobleck and other staff pushed many students who showed hatred towards the boy the way he was psuhed down and many students began see what they had done to the boy.

About 8 months after that Saphron and Terra and their son Adrian left Argus and never came back.

So as we can now see.....every choice we make.....everything we do.....has a consequence behind it.

Thus end the First Arc of this tale....the Redeemer Arc.

Stay tuned for Arc 2: The Wars

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