5 Years Later.....

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3rd Person P.O.V

Much has happened in the last 5 years since the union of Jaune and Keylana Willowmoon.

The biggest is that about a month after their marriage Keylana announced that her and Juane were expecting.

About a year later their daughter Aellai Willowmoon was born.

Now the child is about 5 years old in human years but about 27 in elven years

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Now the child is about 5 years old in human years but about 27 in elven years. She is very shy with others but outspoken and loving with her parents and grandparents and aunts. She loves to play and frolick in the gardens of Castle Eleniar.

Jaune and Keylana have also made tremendous strides in bring more elven, dark elven and Fae to the lands of Castle Eleniar where many have chosen to live. They also created portals that allow travel to the villages who wish to stay where they are but allow them to visit whenever. He also rebuilt the Elienar Royal Army and with the help of his generals created the Elienar Royal Guards the Council the Elienar Elite Guard and lastly the Veilwalkers, an elite commando team of Fae, Elves and Dark Elves who do the shadow missions for the Royal Council and their King.

But as we all know......peace does not last forever.....a storm is brewing and it is a storm that will bring old wounds to light.

Council Room in Vale......

"So we are meeting here today to discuss the rise of that mysterious new kingdom far from our own borders." A Vale Councilman said.

"This is troubling news indeed. How is it this kingdom appeared in just 5 years and has already grown in size as it has." Another Council Member said.

"Ozpin do you have any idea how this happened so quickly?" Another asked.

"I have some theories but as of now they don't hold. My main one is my former student Jaune Arc." He said.

"What about him? Wasn't he the one who you let get murdered?" A female Council Member asked.

"Yes but need I remind everyone here that we all agreed on that course of action. But appears young Winchester didn't finish the job and he was saved....by what my Assistant Head mistress claims to be an Elf. So I can theorize that he was saved, some how found out about what transpired and now lives with the Elves and due to his knowledge of leadership rose through their ranks and now leads them." Ozpin said.

"Then what must we do?" The female Council Member asked.

"We must ensure that they don't revolt and attack. I say we ready a small group and send them to the region and have them try and ensure such actions don't occur." A Council member said.

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