Lovers Lake

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"Meet me by my van after class" Eddie whispers in your ear, this guy had been teasing you all spring, the glances from across the room, the heated on and off eye contact, you had never spoken to Eddie Munson but it was almost telepathic how the two of you seemed to connect.

So you, being your submissive self waddled over the school car park in your tennis skirt and over worn knit jumper, cuddling your books. You finally reach the beaten up van in the corner of the car park, you stand there for a moment and your legs are shaking, your thinking to yourself as you watch everyone leave the school in a flood - "what if Eddie is going to seduce me and then murder me ?!?!?!?...nah I'm sure he's lovely...what if he leaves me in the woods all on my own and I get eaten by zombies"

Suddenly the van door swings open from behind you scaring the complete shit out of you ! You drop all your books and turn round to see Eddie standing hunch over in the van peering down at you.

"Awh I'm sorry did I scare you y/n"

You bend over picking up your books from the floor. Eddie jumps down from the van and stand directly behind you, lining up his hips with yours as you're picking up your books, you know exactly what he's playing at but your just too nervous to say anything. As your bending down you don't realise but all is revealed, and Eddie is eating it all up, he can see all your legs and even what underwear your wearing as he stares at your exposed ass in the little white tennis skirt. He's trying hard not to move, and touch your ass or pussy so instead he picks up the rest of your stuff for you.

"Are you okay?" You ask Eddie who looks a little flustered

"Nah it's just a little warm today" he shrugs it off like a pro

He opens the passenger door for you, your quite petite and you have to almost club into the van and onto the seat, there's no easy way about it and Eddie can see you look a little puzzled

"Need a hand getting in the van Princess, I mean I know your only small" he chuckles offering his hand out to you. You take his hand with an attitude "don't call me Prin- HUHHH" as your being helped into the van Eddie throws his hand up your skirt and cups your ass giving it a small squeeze as he pushes you into the van from below.

Eddie slams the door shut and laughs all the way to the drivers seat. Your flustered,nervous but so wet.

Eddie starts the car and pulls off and drives out the car park, there's a moment of silence before you both clumsily blart "do you want some music?" You both laugh, and you take the tape from your Walkman and put it in the tape player "Separate Ways - Journey" begins to play "not my usual but still a good song" Eddie turns to you then looks back at the rode "hey I'm sorry for grabbing you, it was right in my face would have been worse if I'd have-" he itches his nose and focus's on the road

"If what?" You peep

"If I'd have stuck my nose up in you pussy" he laughs, your still super nervous and don't say anything back but your stomach is doing flips and you have no idea what's happening

"Eddie where are we going" you say in a tiny voice
"Lovers lake little one" he yells out
"Lovers lake!" You exclaim
"Yeah- I mean why not, you seem like a lovers lake kinda girl so I thought-" Eddie halts it's like he's too shy to say he's horny for you but you can read him like a book
"You thought that you could take me there and fuck me like there's no tomorrow" you say matter of factly

"Oh yeah- that!" Eddie nods
"Well sweetheart we're here, and yeah I'm gonna fuck you till you cry for me to stop" he jumps on the van and walks over to your side Opening the door and offering his hand out to you for assistance "I promise no grabbing until we find a good spot" he quips smiling up at you, you look at his face for a moment realising that this is all finally happening, as if you had been planning this for forever.

You jump down from the van and Eddie spanks your ass as you Bob along

"Hey no touching!" You yell out annoyed
"I said no grabbing that was a spank hunny" he clicks his tongue and follows you off into the woods

A few minutes go by walking together through the woods, Eddie was always lagging behind you as if he wanted you to lead the way or maybe he was just admiring the small glimpses of your ass as your tiny tennis skirt lifted and you walked.

Eddie runs up behind you causing you to squeal " oh I like that noise " he growls in a low voice before he gives you a small sweet kiss His eyes look sad for a moment "y/n, listen I can take you home if you don't wanna yknow?"
"Eddie Im-" you stutter but think to yourself that this is what you've wanted for so long your pussy is literally throbbing for his cock inside you
"What y/n" he whispers your faces touching
"Eddie I'm so fucking horny for you" you say in a tiny quiet voice, he smiles looking absolutely devilish "I'm sorry I couldn't quite hear that, who are you horny for y/n?"
"I'm horny for you" you say a little louder
"Oh for me?!" He plays with your hair
"You have no idea what I'm going to do to you y/n" he whispered into your ear

Feeling you up Eddie kisses you slowly and softly until he becomes more aggressive, your twirling his hair in your fingers as he proceeds to tug at you jumper,Eddie breaks away.

"Okay Princess this is how it's gonna work" Eddie says quite sternly
"I make the rules, you are my Princess and you do everything I tell you to, and if you're a good girl- which I'm sure you are, I'll let you be a little naughty, but for now your gonna let me undress you because that's my favourite part..."
Your creaming a little just standing there hearing him say those words your pussy soaked. Your shaking as Eddie approaches you smirking, your feeling nervous but extremely captivated and excited.

Eddie cups your face, his chunky metal rings are cold and sting in the most pleasurable way "y/n tell me if you want me to stop, but i promise you Sweetheart- I'll look after you- yeah?" He says softly

"Yeah" you answer between kisses


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