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Magic is something we don't believe in. For some of us, there is nothing like magic. But for those who believe in magic, it exists.

God is the biggest magician and his biggest magic is known as 'Humans' and to maintain everything in the human world, he created Nature's law.

He created everyone's destiny and fate. He also created people who can read our fate too. Just by looking at your face, they can tell our future.

One of those people is Eun. Like, she can read everything and anything about his baby's fate. She is able to see unseen things.

"Honey my baby needs to believe in magic in the future" A lady in her twenties said to her husband.

"Why? What's going on in your mind?" Her husband asked. They were still in the hospital. It's the day of Eun's delivery. They welcomed their baby boy into this world. Both parents' happiness has no boundaries.

Hye and Eun today welcomed the light of their life, their precious baby boy. Who is currently sleeping in his mother's embrace.

Eun looked at her husband. Hye can tell that his wife is hesitant about something. "What is it honey? Tell me what's bothering you?".

"You know I can't tell you Hye. If I did, then I will break nature's rules which I'm not supposed to do". She was helpless. Even if she wants to, she just can't. It's beyond her powers and this helplessness tore her heart. 

Though Eun's ability to foresee the future was a gift, it came with it's own limitations - she could not alter the course of fate. She could guide her son towards the magic that lay hidden in the world around him. 

"I understand honey" Hye said after a few minutes. Yes, he understands her. He knows the consequences of breaking nature's law.

"I can't tell you everything now but Hye I can only say —" she looked down at her son. She smiled at the sight of her son. It's so precious and memorable sight — "He needs to believe in magic. If not then he will never get what he desires. For what he will carve his entire life till the time come".

Hye said nothing. He was able to read his wife's eyes. Her eyes were holding so much pain and worries for their baby. He is understanding everything. "Don't worry eun, he will believe in magic. We will make sure of it" He tries to make her little relax.

"He needs to otherwise he will left alone. He will face a lot of difficulties in his life, my strong baby will always stay strong but life will give him happiness too. He just needs to catch them." Her eyes started filling with tears but she continued.

"If he did then he will be happy for the rest of his life. He will be cherished for his whole life. My baby will get what he deserves but everything depends on his trust in magic." Tears started fall from her round eyes.

She is an astrologer and fortune teller. Yes, she can read and saw her son's future. She wants to protect him from all his misery but she can't. She was bounded by law of nature and god.

"Don't worry. We will make him believe in magic. After all his mother and father believes in magic" Hye said. 

The young couple vowed to instill wonder and belief in their child's heart, understanding that it would be key to his happiness and resilience in life. They cherished the belief that if he held onto the magic he saw, happiness would be his constant companion. 

"Now don't take stress and rest, wow that rhymed." Hye chuckled to himself. He was about to take his son from his wife but eun protested and embraced his baby more tighter.

Hye let her. He knows that his wife is a bit emotional and stressed so he let her cuddle their baby.

Eun kept staring at his baby. 'My baby, you need to stay strong and you will do great. Don't let him go and believe him. He will bring a lot of happiness in your life. Trust him and your mom's words' she kissed on his baby's checks and let sleep take over her.

Her mind and heart were full of her baby. She knows this is a new start of life. A new chapter beings from here.

She knows her half work is done. She brought his baby to life now her other half work is to make his baby believe in magic.

Magic is everywhere. You just need to see it. Magic did exist for those who believe in it. Hye and Eun were one of them.

What will happen in the future no one knew. Not even Eun, because stars always change their position.

Stars always kept moving.


Broken sobs echoed in the silent room. Anyone who heard those cries would have felt their heart wrenched in pain. That's how broken the boy looked.

"He didn't came Hyung!!!!" Jungkook was crying his eyes out. It's too much pain for him. It was their wedding day after all and his groom had disappeared.

"Shh... shhh, it's okay. Hyung is here for you" Yoongi tried to console him. His heart was also crying to see his best friend like that. But the broken boy shook his head.

"Why Hyung!!? Was I not good enough? Did I asked too much from him??" Tears kept rolling down from his eyes.

"I told you, didn't I? I told you he was not good enough for you!! He was faking everything!! He was not what he showed!!! But you didn't listen to me. See now what happened" He knows, his Hyung is not wrong. He had told him many times but he was so in love to notice anything.

"Hyung.... It's hurting too much. Stop this pain Hyung!! Please stop this" He clutched on his Hyung arms tightly.

He kept crying. He didn't know how many hours had passed. He cried until nothing came out from his eyes, he cried until his eyes became emotionless.

His eyes were red due to heavy crying and his nose was red because of continuous sniffing and his cheeks were fluffy.

He stood up with every ounce of energy he had left and wiped his tear strained face harshly.

"I want to leave Hyung. Far away from this place. Where I-I can breathe-e. I can't breathe here, Hyung. This air has his scent" He looked around and everything reminds him of his lost love.

"Where will you go then, Jungkook?" His Hyung asked.

"Somewhere far from his memories" He just wanted to stay away from this place. He couldn't take this anymore. If people wanted to call him a coward then they could. But he couldn't stay here anymore.

And he left.

He left that place, his memories, his smile and his soul.


I'm here with something called "WISH"

Do you believe in magic ?

I don't know where it will go but I wanna give it a try so here I'm. For now, I think it's gonna be a short story but I can't promise anything.

Ignore my mistakes hehe and I don't know shit about astrologers and fortune tellers, so ignore that too.

It's my first story so... give it some love, okaie.

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