39. Gloomy Jungkook

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The morning had been really gloomy and dull. Thick clouds covered the sky, making everything look gray and sad, matching the mood of a certain someone.

Looks like even nature was taking part in someone's sadness. Someone who was lost in the maze of memories. Even his apartment was filled with an eerie silence.

When Yoongi and Hoseok entered Jungkook's apartment that morning, they were welcomed by gloomy aura. The heavy air made every footstep echo through the quiet apartment, making them sigh.

They knew this would happen, they were used to it.

It was the cursed day of Jungkook's life. The same day that had turned his life upside down. The same day when he lost two most precious people in his life, his parents.

It was his birthday.

Every year, Yoongi and Hobi took a day off, leaving all their work for their maknae. They didn't talk much, not even exchange a few words.

All they got from Jungkook was a nod or shake of the head. Jungkook just locked himself in his room.

This silence troubled them deeply.

The only wish they had was to make Jungkook react. Even a small 'yes' would have been enough. Jungkook had just closed himself off from this world.

He won't speak, he won't react, he won't cry.

They were used to it. They were used to this gloomy Jungkook. But someone wasn't. Someone who couldn't see Jungkook like this.


Taehyung was restless. He was feeling really uneasy. Since morning he was trying to reach Jungkook, but all he got was silence.

His hundreds of messages had gone unread, his Koo hadn't replied to any of his phone calls either.

He was worried as hell. He knew what day it was, how much hurt and lost Jungkook might have been feeling at that moment. He just wanted to be there with his Petal, to provide the warmth he needed, to provide the shoulder to cry on.

To assure him that, he was not alone. That there was someone for him to call his own, there was Taehyung for him, as his family.

"Taehyung, stop!" A voice had stopped him from pacing in the living room. He looked at the owner of the voice just to found, Hwan glaring at him. "What happened, Dad?" He asked.

"Stop walking back and forth. It won't make, Kook to pick your call" -- he sighed before continuing, "Son, maybe at the moment, he isn't even aware of his surroundings. Phone is a farthing. You know his address, right? Why don't you simply go there?" Hwan was right.

In sorrow, people even forgot about food and water, so a phone is a far thing. Why hadn't Taehyung thought of that? Maybe in worry, a human lose the power to think about basic things.

"Oh, fuck yes! I'm going, Dad, I'm so stupid, so dumb! How could I not think of that? Dad, I'm going and I won't come home tonight" He cursed himself and ran out of his house after grabbing his bike keys. He just knew one thing, he needed to reach Jungkook as soon as possible.

His Jungkook needed him.

On the other hand, Yoongi was in the kitchen of Jungkook's apartment. He was making something light to eat for Jungkook. How to make Jungkook eat that? He would think about that later.

As he cooked, Hobi was in the living room, cleaning it because he didn't have much work there. But from time to time, he visited Jungkook's room and tried to listen if any voice was coming from inside.

Oh, how much he wished for Jungkook to cry. Bottling everything inside has done no good to anyone.

Hobi was about to go and check on Jungkook again when the doorbell rang. He flinched a little because of the sudden sound.

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