35. Love companions

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A veryyyyyy long chapter. You guys better pat my back in appreciation ( •̯́ ₃ •̯̀)


Jungkook was late - scratch that - he was super late.

It had been three weeks after their wonderful date but after that date, he wanted to do something special for Taehyung.

He wanted to make Taehyung feel his worth, his importance in Jungkook's life, just as Taehyung did for him.

He believed that in a relationship, it was like each person was putting their fair share of effort, kind of like a 50-50 partnership. Sometimes, it might be a bit less or more from one side, but what mattered was that both are making an effort in their own unique ways.

Trust, love, care, efforts, respect, support — whatever you name it, everything should be equal. Otherwise, it wouldn't take much time to crumble the castle of your dreams.

He wanted to put equal efforts, wanted to express his emotions to Taehyung, he wanted to make Taehyung happy too.

So what, if he was late? You might be late but it's never too late.

It's a saying but it's true. There are many things that can be corrected. You are never too late. If you are alive, you still have a chance to correct everything, isn't it? Well at least Jungkook believed in that. This was the same thing he kept telling himself.

To assure himself that he was not too late to do something for his Love. Maybe just three weeks? And in his defense, he was actually busy.

Being a writer, also a dancer is not easy. He was super busy with his schedule. After their date weeks ago, his work hooked him up. It doesn't mean, he was not meeting Taehyung. He did, daily.

Taehyung used to visit him and sometimes, he went to Taehyung's office and they used to walk in park, hand in hand, with their never-ending talks. But that didn't means he didn't wanted to do anything special for his love.

That's why, at that moment, Jungkook was restless.

You may ask why he was restless? He was going to meet his future mother-in-law at lunch. He shouldn't be nervous because he knew Yuna had accepted him as her son.

But, he was meeting her as a person who was in love with her son. Someone who dreamed about marrying her son, living a life with her son.

Someone who had her son whipped for himself *ahemm*. Anygays, this situation was making him a little - no scratch that - VERY nervous.

As he sat in soul cafe, waiting for Yuna, a couple of thoughts ran through his mind. What if Yuna refused to help him? What if Taehyung didn't appreciate, him meeting Yuna without informing him?

But above all 'What if's' was his determination and sincerity were first. His wish to make Taehyung feel loved, cherished and important.

Why it always have to be Taehyung, who will do things for him? This was their love, their relationship. He would also do things for Taehyung.

If Taehyung wanted him to know what kind of a person he was, then Jungkook would also show him everything.

He was deep in his thoughts, more like Taehyung's thought, he didn't noticed Yuna coming and silently sitting down in front of him.

Yuna saw how Jungkook was lost in thoughts and a soft smile was playing on his lips, not to mention he was blushing in between. She didn't need to be genius to guess what - more like, whom - this adorable human bunny was thinking about.

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