20. Family

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Family is everything right?

Your safe place, your comfort, your happiness. A place where you feel your most completed self. A place where you feel valued, you feel loved.

You got people in the name of a family who taught you how to love and how it feels to be loved.

You can fight with them, argue with them, get disappointed or disappoint them but they are the people, who will again hold you in their embrace if you stumble.

They will help you to stand up again on your feet but then they will again scold you for stumbling. Right?

They are like a great blessing. They fills your life with laughter, love, drama and many things. They always stood behind you so, you can count on them. They are the people, who understand you without a word.

But it's not the same for everyone.

For some people, family is not their safe place. Even if they are hurt, they will pretend and put a smile on their face, even if they are seating with them.

Your happiness doesn't lies between them. They are not your support system. You can't argue with them because if you speak, you will be considered as an ill-mannered or bad person who doesn't know how to respect them.

But still you stay with them because they are the only ones, whom you can call yours in this world. Even if you cry the whole night, you will still wake up in a fresh mood.

But what about those, who have no one, in the name of family? More worst, what about those from whom, their family has been taken away?

We can't even imagine living one day without our family so think, about what pain they have been suffering.

One of those people is Jungkook.

"When I was 15, I remember, I was so happy with my f-family" Jungkook said lowly.

His hands were shaking and Taehyung can feel it. He just tightens his hold to assure Jungkook. A soft gesture with many hidden words.

"I..... I'm one of those u-unlucky people, from whom, their family has been taken away. I also had a family. A happy one"

"Me, maa and papa, we were very happy living in our own world. My maa was a fortune-teller and my papa, he was just whipped for my maa" He giggle making Taehyung chuckle too.

"You know, whenever anybody asked my papa, what work he does? He always replied with a smile and said 'His work is being whipped for his wife' and my maa would always smack his head" He was giggling remembering those moments but his eyes - his eyes were showing his real emotions.

Tears were there, flowing continuously. He couldn't stop them and neither Taehyung could. He let Jungkook cry. He let him shed tears for today. There is a saying "Crying lightens the mind and heart".

"They were the definition of what people call a perfect couple. They were just perfect for each other".

"Koo how did your parents meet" Taehyung asked. Just by listening about Jungkook's parents, he can feel their strong bond of love. And he wants to know about them more.

"They......" Jungkook let out a giggle loudly. Which made Taehyung more curious.

"Their story was the same typical college love story. They meet first time in college. My maa was my papa's senior by two years. The college professor assigned my maa to give a tour of the college to students and their parents, who were visiting the college before admission. That's when my maa and papa meet"

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