moans were delightful

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Anyo guys, im not in the mood for any bakwaas so..

Let's start

Deseriee POV

I woke from the sound of birds chirping
ohh godd my body is literally like a statue i can't move... By the way where am I and what is this soft thing on my chest sorry wait... Bare Chest

Ohhhh right i got laid last night so the soft thing on my chest is umm what was his name again- oh yeah Damon
Not gonna lie he was good at it but way too hard i can't move my body

Beep beep!!

My phone. I reached out my hand to the side table
I opened the message and



I jumped up on the bed ignoring the pain and started hopping on the bed like rabbit


While I was jumping my leg suddenly landed on Siddharth's ahem ahem dick

Damon- oiiiiiiiiiii maaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!

He screamed falling from the bed shittttt!
I stopped jumping and quickly got down from the bed (they r still naked)
I looked at him tch! that poor guy was suffering he was lying on his stomach and his both hands were on his member

Des- im so so so sorry i didn't mean to hurt you ughh what's your name again yeah, yeah Damon r u ok

I said leaning towards him

Damon- am i ok?? Ofc im not ok. U literally jumped on the part from which the population growth is done

He said groaning, i rolled my eyes and helped him get up

Damon- pass me my clothes

He said while sitting on the bed. I throwed his clothes on him which directly landed on his face, opsies

Damon- u have made it your life goal to ruin me

He said groaning, i chuckled wearing my bra

Des- sorry yet again

He chuckled and wore his boxers and pants

Damon- by the way i still don't know your name plus how r u able to even move, i mean i was literally pounding on u last night

He said buttoning his shirt

Des- im Deseriee, Deseriee June and it did pain alot but im fine now cause i just got the best news- shit the newss

I quickly grabbed my phone after wearing my last night clothes and started checking the date and time for the interview cause duhh obvi there will be a interview as im one of the other 10 people so 9 more are there for the position
The date was 16 xyz oh fuckkk that's today
Timing is 11 am which mean i only have 30 min

Des- im so so sorry I was going to offer u lunch but i have an interview in like 30 min so i need to rushh byee

I said running out butt he called out my name

Damon- heyy wait-

Des- what what what is it say fast

Damon- actually I too am getting late my dada is going to kill me but still i can drop you off to your home

He said showing his car keys, i should just go with him as it will take a lot of time booking a cab

Des- thanks I'll go with you

And we both walked out and sat in his car

Damon- address

Des- abcd

And he started the car

We reached in 10 min, i got off the car and thanked him

Des- thanks for dropping me home

i ran off but he shouted my name, i looked back and raised my one eyebrow,

Damon- DESERIEE!! Ur moans were really delightful

He said winking and driving out
That jerk- whatever i need to get ready for the interview

Yup that's it 😌
Plzz vote guys, it breaks my heart when you don't 🥺

QOD (quote of the day)

"Passion is energy.
Feel the power that comes from focusing on what excites you"

Anneyong 😜✌️

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