You're Mine

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Anyo guys. 🙂

Let's start

Deserie pov

"Ughh can this day get any worse"
I screamed as soon as i reached home after the friendly meeting with my new 'boss'

I went inside my room jumped on the bed on my stomach and screamed with my head buried in the pillow

"Woah woah what's with you since yesterday"
Said by my very 'sweet' flatmate/sis/bff

"Oh nothing Violet its just that i technically slept with the guy who now turned out be my new Boss, isn't it amazing. How jolly LET'S CELEBRATE"
I said and shouted sarcastically thinking she won't get it

"U know Dess I've been your flatmate since last 4 years so I think I can get that sarcasm pretty well"

I whined and made an angry pout sitting on the bed with crossed legs. I seriously doubt her love towards me sometimes.

"So u technically fucked your boss, gosh that even sounds weird  "
Said by one and only violet while making a disgusting face

"I think im gonna cry now, im gonna have to fuckin serve that piece of shit and even call him SIR, no no no, im gonna puke now"

"Relax atleast u have your dream job, be grateful, now stop acting like a spoiled brat and get your ass out of the bed we r going to celebrate, to the club it is "
Squealed Violet what's there to squeal about. At this point im so disappointed in my friend

"I just found out that the guy i slept with is my boss, what's there to celebrate"

"Shut up bitch im not taking no for an answer now groom yourself and look hot who knows maybe we both can get laid" she said smirking

laid? LAID??!!

"R u fuckin with me right now, do u seriously thinking i would like to get laid after my last ons, um i think i'll pass"

"I just said im not taking no for an answer and who's forcing you to get a dick, i just gave an option now get ready and if you don't get out in 20 min, trust me i will show no mercy "

The look on her face was one of a mafia boss or something. She can be really scary at times so like an innocent little child i got ready and we drove off to the night club

 She can be really scary at times so like an innocent little child i got ready and we drove off to the night club

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As soon we entered loud music blasted in our ears destroying our ear buds

"This place is crowded i think we should leave" i shouted hopefully

"That's not gonna work on me" she stated in a duhh tone

And just then 22 by Taylor Swift blasted, ahhhhhhhhh i loveeeee Taylor Swift i mean who doesn't love tay tay
I dragged vi with me to the dance floor and we started dancing our hearts out

'I don't know 'bout you but I'm feeling 22, everything will be alright if you keep me next to youuu'

We both sang the chorus together
.... Wait a minute this is not TAYLOR'S VERSION
Ahhhhhhh imma cry i mean Taylor's version is soooo good but who cares atleast its Taylor Swift

Both of us were still dancing until i felt a tap on my shoulder as soon as that someone tapped on my shoulder the dj tripped on something and fell off the but got saved because the crowd kinda caught him

"Ms June or should I call you Deseriee don't you think its inappropriate for someone who just got a job to be out in a club on a working day, i mean its not even weekend "

Whispered a husky voice that I very well knew, he kissed my earlobe softly

Whispered a husky voice that I very well knew, he kissed my earlobe softly

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"Mr Romeo-

"Plz call me Damon, we r outside work, i mean till i remember u did moan that name pretty well "

I swear if i wasn't on this dance floor i would have kicked him so fuckin hard right where the sun doesn't shine and he wouldn't be able to make the population increase ever again

"Well Damon as much as I see the working day is not just for me only, the rules apply to you too, you also have to work tomorrow plus im just celebrating for the job i just got"

Yep im a very sarcastic ass and even after i said all that, that stupid piece of shit was still smirking , ughh i can't stand here any longer, well u must be wondering where is Vi, well she found a dick and is probably gonna limp tomorrow

I went towards the bartender and ordered for a peppermint Martini without all those stupid jolly decorations as im not feeling very jolly

"U know its weird for someone like u to order that"

Obviously he followed me

"No comments" i stated blankly
He chuckled and pulled my chair closer to his

"U really amuse me Deseriee, i mean i feel that we r going to have to stay with each other for a long long long time, I'm never ever gonna let u slip out of my hands ever, YOU'RE MINE "

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"U really amuse me Deseriee, i mean i feel that we r going to have to stay with each other for a long long long time, I'm never ever gonna let u slip out of my hands ever, YOU'RE MINE "

He whispered in a very sexy possesive tone and he bit my earlobe softly and kissed my cheek and lastly drew me in for a long steamy kiss

Andddd that's it

I hope you guys loved this chapter
I know i updated very late and I'm not even gonna give you guys an excuse so I'm really really sorry

But after this declaration of Damon, what will be Deseriee's reaction

Stay tuned and i will see u in the next chapter

Annyeong guys 😝

"I'm not the jealous type,
But what's Mine is MINE"

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