Games have begun

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Anyo guys...... Hehehe umm i knoww i broke all my promises of updating early but u see i had this family stuff going on and all that shit which kept ne non vacant so soliiii 🥺

Let's start

Ethan- Deseriee June is your new pa and Ms June let me introduce you to your boss Damon Romeo , the COO of ASN group

Ethan- Deseriee June is your new pa and Ms June let me introduce you to your boss Damon Romeo , the COO of ASN group

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"I don't stand mixing buisness with pleasure"

Was the first thought that crashed both their witty minds as soon as they locked their now wide eyes

40 sec later


both flinched at the scream they just received

Ethan- ok now miss June why don't you shake hands with him for sealing the job

Deseriee coughed as soon as he said that,
"I have shaken many things with him honestly"
She thought fake smiling

Des- sure sir, i would love too

She tried her best to not lace her voice with sarcasm, but failed 60%. She moved towards the now smirking Damon
"How dare this son of a gun smirk, he is loving to see me embarrassed isn't he"
She thought glaring towards him which made him widen his smirk
As soon as their hand touch, one of the employees that was carrying some documents outside the cabin, tripped his leg and fell making a huge thud!!
This caught attention of everyone

Ethan- r u ok

He said giving his hand for support (still no emotion)

Employe- im fine sir thank u

He said getting up, but but buttt over here sidneet were still shaking hands and sid smiled evily and said

Damon- nice to meet you ms June, quite an interesting meeting actually

She fake smiled and said

Des- nice to meet you too mr nigam, i hope it will be a pleasure working with you

He chuckled and said with mischief in his eyes

Damon- ohh trust me, more pleasure than ever

She glared at him and quickly releasd her hand

Ethan- miss kaur u can start from tomorrow

She smile and said

Des- thankyou for this opportunity sir and i promise to not let you down

Ethan nodded plainly and left but not before giving the look of 'dont u dare flirt with her' to Damon.


Des- well i shall be leaving than

She said opening the door but sidd held her wrist and pulled her towards him making her head crash with his chest

Damon- aren't u still sore

He said smirking

Des- umm sir this behaviour is very unprofessional, so with due respect, let me go

She said gritting her teeth ignoring the butterflies in her tummy

Damon- hmm let me think... How about... No

He said still with a smirk on his face. She fake smiled and stomped her feet on his foot


He yelled wincing, and this time she smirked

Des- i sincerely apologise sir, dab some ice on it, it will get better, byeeee

She said running out of the cabin while he sat on his chair still wincing a bit, but he smiled as soon as the pain left

Damon- ohhh this game is gonna be fun

The games have finally begun... Who's gonna win this game of seduction??

That's it yupp im tired
Again sorry for updating soo late, and i think next update will directly be next month as my exams have started and i want to ace it
Till then stay tuned 😉

"Your eyes are like a mirror to me,
I can see my soul in them,
I can find love for me in them"

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