pa of who now??!!

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Anyo guys (yeah... Nothing to say today either)

Let's start

Author pov

CEO- come in!!

Came a strong voice
Deseriee opened the door with determination and as she looked inside her eyes widened

As she never saw such a huge cabin (😂)

It's beautiful i mean quite classic for a investment company

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It's beautiful i mean quite classic for a investment company

She thought still in shock but finally composed herself
She wanted to see the face of the CEO but he was reading something with his chair turned

CEO- u must be Miss Deseriee June

She came out from her thoughts and spoke in a firm voice

Des- yes that's me And u are...

He turned his chair around anddd

Bum bum bummmm....


... Ethan Romeo (readers ka lol)
Nice to meet and may i just point out that your 10 min LATE

Such a beautiful day (note the sarcasm)

She thought smiling

Des- yes im aware of and i m extremely sorry for my unprofessional behaviour

But Ethan didn't have a slightest expression on his face only a cold stare

It literally feels like i slep with his wife and he got to know about it

She thought but gagged at her own thoughts

Ethan - well as ur late i have already chose a pa for myself

This shattered all the hopes avneet had in her, she was always so determined to get in this company but all the hopes got shattered

Des- i..m.. really sorry, .... I guess I should leave now.... Th..ank you for the opportunity

She said with a broken voice, after all the hard work she had put into this job, she got NOTHING.

Guess none of it was worth it..

She thought with a heavy heart but...

Ethan- WAIT!!

She stopped with a light of hope

Ethan- I've looked into your resume and i must say im impressed but I've already chose a pa so u will be the PERSONAL ASSISTANT OF MY BROTHER AND THE COO OF ASN GROUP.

Ethan- I've looked into your resume and i must say im impressed but I've already chose a pa so u will be the PERSONAL ASSISTANT OF MY BROTHER AND THE COO OF ASN GROUP

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Yeah im tired now so guess that's it

Kesa laga jatka readers 😂
Who's the COO of ASN GROUP
Keep your imaginations wild till then

Anneyong 😜✌️

Quote of the day

"Why CHASE you,
When I'm the CATCH"

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