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Anyo guys (no bakwaas, got nothing interesting to say 🌝)

Let's start

Author POV

Deseriee got ready in like 3 min

She quickly grabbed her phone and called riyaz

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She quickly grabbed her phone and called riyaz

Ri- hell-

Des- i don't have time for hellos bitch i need to get going ASAP so pick me up right now

Ri- woah woah woah where r u rushing to and don't u have your own car

Des- 1st my car is busted and second. I DON'T HAVE TIME FOR EXPLAINATION SO GET OVER HERE U LAZY COW

Riyaz flinched the other side

Ri- ok ok, coming (gulping)

She quickly cut the call and put phone in her bag rushing out her house

Riyaz reached after 10 min and both rode away, Deseriee explained everything to him and he couldn't be any more happier, he actually felt really proud of his bff who had worked her butt off for this job so he really had no doubt that she wouldn't get the job (i want a bff like him 😭)


Ri- now don't embarrass yourself and talk less

Des- whatever now byee

She got out but he shouted her name


She threw a middle finger at him but still smiled and he too smiled back and drove off winking

Her mouth was widee open looking at the work place but looking at the time she quickly composed herself and went inside

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Her mouth was widee open looking at the work place but looking at the time she quickly composed herself and went inside

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She went towards the first desk and spoke in a strong but polite way

Des- Good afternoon, im here for the new position as the PA

Receptionist- Good afternoon, umm u r the last one here so u must be Miss...... Deseriee June, am i right

Des- yes, that's me

Receptionist- your interview is in the CEO's cabin itself everyone is done ur the last so better hurry!!

Des- fuck my life (mumuring)


Des- NOTHING cough i mean nothing umm which way is the cabin

Receptionist- 2nd floor to your right 3rd cabin u'll recognise it quickly as its huge

Des- ok thank you so much

Receptionist- have a nice day.

Deseriee smiled at her and then quickly rushed to the second floor and knocked on the cabin

CEO- come in!!

Came a strong voice and she opened the door slowly and finally saw the CEO's face and her eyes widened...

Yep that's it finally my first cliffhanger
well u have to stay tuned for the next chappie and
keep guessing about the CEO
Till then

Anneyong 😜✌️

Quote of the day

"Women who seek to be
equal with men
lack ambition"

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