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Am I hallucinating right now? Honestly kind of hope I am.
Out of all people it had to be her didn't it.
The one that got away, first love you never really fell out of love with, or at least, you thought you did but now shes standing right in front of you and everything is coming back.
"Sadie.." she repeats, her voice is soft, and comforting, just like it used to be. I release a shaky breath and another tear rolls down my face.
My eyes tear up again and through the blurryness I see her step forward, reaching out for my hand. She gently takes it and I feel that familiar sense of comfort again, as she pulls me into the classroom behind her, and shuts the door.

Her phones propped up against the wall and the light from it illuminates the room.
"It's going to be okay."
The way she says it makes me almost believe it. Or maybe it's just because it's Mia that's saying it.
She sits on a desk, and I follow her lead, sitting down on one of the chairs.
We sit in silence, listening out for any noises.
"What are those things?" I ask.
"Infected people I guess. That's what the alert said but I didn't expect them to be in this school."
It returns to awkward silence, I mean, what do you really say in this situation? When I think of reuniting with people it's not really because I'm trapped in my old school with them, during some weird apocalypse.

I wonder if she's still mad at me.
Our breakup was years ago, and it wasn't a bad one but it wouldn't have happened if I had just had the guts to be myself.
We were together for a year and a half, and we were inseparable, I really genuinely did love her, but I couldn't be what she wanted. Captain of my volleyball team, one of the most popular girls in the school, star student and daughter of the priest, none of that matters to me now, but back then it did. She was so patient with me, telling me I didn't have to rush to come out but it got to a point where it was hurting her to pretend. To pretend that we were nothing more than friends, when in private I was telling her I loved her. And I did, but I couldn't risk it then.
Eventually she told me she couldn't do it anymore, it was her or everything else and stupidly I chose everything else. If I could go back and change that I would, but that's not how life works.
I remember her shaking her head in disbelief as the tears that had been welling in her eyes finally rolled down her cheeks. She didn't talk to me after that.
I don't know if she was mad or just disappointed, but whatever it was I don't blame her.

"We need a plan."
I look up, meeting her eyes and I nod.
"What've you got in mind?"

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