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Sadies pov

"What the fuck.."
In front of me, sat a child.
Yes, a literal human toddler.
I stepped in line with Mia and looked at her in disbelief.
"Hey little one..?" I said softly to the boy, while crouching down in front of him. I've always had a soft spot for kids, Mia and I used to talk about having them together all the time. The boy in front of us had light brown hair and really big blue eyes, and you couldn't help but find him adorable.
I looked back up at Mia, a look that asks "what do we do?" On my face.
Mia crouched down next to me, putting the bat on the floor.
"How'd you get here then." She asks, obviously more to herself, then to him or me.
The boy smiles that cute little toddler smile, completely oblivious to everything that's going on, and takes a few wobbly steps towards us.

"He's so cute." I say and the boy stops momentarily to look at me, before giggling and taking another step forward. This time though, he stumbles a bit too much and trips over his own feet, falling.
Luckily for him, Mias hands quickly reach out and grab him before he hits the ground.
"Nice catch." I give her an approving nod, not that I'd have been able to catch him.
She smiles at me, "I always told you I'd be a responsible parent."
I roll my eyes and stand up, and she follows suit, picking up the child.
"Yeah, you also told me you'd like to create an army of your children so.."
She shrugs, closing the door. "It would be cool. Back to the important thing though."

She turns the child around in her arms and faces him at me, "what do we do with this baby, and why is he here?"
I sigh, walking backwards and flopping onto the couch, closing my eyes. Who knew being in a zombie apocalypse would be this stressful.
"I'm not sure." I say. "We can't leave him."
Mia turns him around in her arms again and he  puts his little head on her shoulder.
A soft smile appears on her face, watching as the boy closes his eyes. "Yeah we definitely can't leave him." She mumbles as she walks over to sit with me.

She slowly sits down beside me, being careful while holding the little boy, and pats him gently on the back. "What should we call you then?"
I laugh.
"What?" Mia asks, a smile resting on her obviously confused face.
"We used to imagine naming our first kid together."
Her confusion turns into a fond smile, and she shakes her head. "You wanted to name our first girl Daphne."
'Our' first girl. My stomach flips a little bit when i register what she's said, but I quickly recover.
I visibly cringe at my previous naming skills and sigh, "it was cute at the time okay?"
She raises her eyebrows and shakes her head ,disapproval clear on her face, "was it?"
I can't help but laugh at the clearly disgusted look she's pulling at the name I wanted to choose. "Yes, at least I thought it was." 

The baby lifts his head up slightly and murmurs something, probably meaningless baby talk. Mia lifts him up a bit so she can see his face and he instantly smiles at her. Cute.
"What, buddy?" I've noticed when she talks to children, her voice goes gentler and she talks quieter. I always knew she was good with kids, and I knew she wanted them when she was older, but seeing her now with one is way more attractive than I could have ever imagined back then.
"Mama.." he repeats himself and my eyes widen, while Mias jaw drops.
"No not mama, Mia." She says hesitantly, sounding out her name more definitely for him.
"Mama." He says again.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 15, 2022 ⏰

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