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Mias POV

"I didn't realise how much I did actually love you.."
I watch her face fall slightly as she talks, and I feel my own face doing something similar.
My eyes stay focused on hers and I take in the familiarity of them. Her eyes look like they've gone darker since the last time we were together, once light and icy now seemed to be a deeper blue, It was pretty.
Her aurburn hair had lightened slightly though, now more ginger than ever.
Before I could stop myself the words tumbled out of my mouth. "I did really love you too.."

Although we were talking in past tense, I couldn't help but wonder whether her words still meant anything, and for some reason I hoped that they did.
I thought I was over this.
It's not like I haven't put myself out there again, I have, I've been on loads of dates and had had a long term girlfriend since then, but seeing Sadie again has brought back something I thought I'd forgotten.

After I had made her choose, and she hadn't chosen me, I was heartbroken. And not like when year sevens say they're heartbroken after dating for a maximum a week, I was genuinely heartbroken. Couldn't eat or sleep properly for days, but I didn't cry after the first time. I went home and sobbed after it happened, for hours, but after that I couldn't. I felt numb. I sat in silence in my room, distractions hadn't helped like my friends had suggested so all I had to do was stare mindlessly at my wall.

My best friend at the time visited me. I hadn't been to school and I'd gone radio silent for a few days, I remember burying my head in her shoulder and sitting there for what felt like hours, her arms wrapped around my shoulders. She knew how I felt, she'd been there for me before, during and now after my whole relationship with Sadie, so she knew how upset I was.

Sadies eyes stay locked on mine, and neither of us speak. Her mouth opens as if she's going to say something, but she hesitates and closes it again. I clear my throat, trying to think of something to change the subject, anything to get out of whatever this is, but I can't think of anything.

Conveniently, the door thuds slightly, and Sadie and I both jump up off the couch.
We watch cautiously, and I slowly reach for the bat that's rested against the wall, picking it up and gripping the bottom of it tightly.
The door thuds again and I take a couple of slow steps forward, stopping just to the side of the door.

I turn around to find Sadie just behind me, and I prod her gently with my bat, pushing her back.
She gives me a look of amused disbelief at the fact that I just poked her with the bat, and shakes her head.
"Stay back."
"I was planning on it." She mutters, and despite the situation I still smile.

Turning back around and taking a deep breath, I tightened my grip on the bat, and placed one hand on the door handle as it shook again.
"I'm going to open the door on three..." I say quietly to Sadie, briefly turning my head to look at her.
"Be careful" she replies, and I nod.

"Three, two" I take a deep breath. "One."
I swing the door open, preparing myself for the worst and squeezing my bat harder than I've ever held anything in my life.

I stand still, bat in the air, completely shocked.
"What the fuck..?"

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