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After i got attacked, we decided to go to the teachers lounge. We figured, well mainly Mia figured, that it might be a better place to go. For starters It's got couches that would definitely be comfier to sleep on then the floor in a classroom.

I could tell Mia was keeping a closer eye on me now, making sure I was always with her and not letting me go too far away. Not that I wanted to be far away, If anything I wanted to be the closest I could get.
I found it sweet that she was worried about me.

She always was the protective type, not overprotective, but that good inbetween that most people find attractive.
"Did you ever go in here?" Mia asks as we arrive at the door to the teachers lounge.
"Nope, did you?" I ask, and she nods.
She opens the door, which thankfully doesn't need any force, and gestures for me to go in.
I smile at her and step through the doorway.

She follows me inside and smirks at my face of disbelief.
"So, while I had to sit on shitty benches, they had this?"
Mia nods and slumps onto one of three couches, leaning her head back and closing her eyes.
My eyes focus on her jawline, which has become increasingly sharper since I last saw her. Seeing her like that brought back memories and My thoughts flashed back to the basement of her house, on an old beat up couch. One of her hands was buried deep in my hair, and the other over her mouth, muffling any sounds that she was making.

"Come sit down, these are so comfortable."
I look up quickly and her eyes are now on me.
She smirks slightly as I clear my throat and walk over to sit next to her, sitting a suitable distance away.
I sit down and absentmindedly squeeze my thighs together, trying to get rid of the feeling that Mia has given me way too many times to count.
I turn to agree with Mia but instead I find her staring at me. Her eyes flickered down to my thighs and I internally slap myself for being so obvious.
"Everything okay, Sadie?" The way she says my name puts butterflies in my stomach and I know that shes doing it on purpose.
I swallow the lump in my throat and nod, "yeah I'm okay."
She puts her arm on the back of the couch and nods, "good."
We sit in silence for a moment and I calm myself, before she talks again.
"So." She pauses, allowing me to look at her. "What've you been up to since we last spoke?"
I puff out a breath "a lot. I mean, when was that? Three? Four years ago?"
I see her almost grimace, "four."
Her face saddens slightly, and she looks away for a second. The last time we spoke was our breakup, and while we didn't argue it wasn't exactly fun.
"About that.." I start and I see the muscles in her jaw tense. "I'm really sorry."
She looks at me again and shrugs, "it was four years ago Sadie, don't worry about it."
I shake my head, "no I need to apologise."
She raises her eyebrows and sighs, allowing me to talk.
"I fucked up. I thought that people would care if I was gay, that it would affect everything I had, everything I'd worked hard to get. I thought my dad would stop loving me." I pause, and while she still looks slightly upset, I can see that she understands.
"I was scared. I didn't realise that loosing you would be so much worse than loosing all that other stuff. I didn't realise how much I did actually love you.."
My words trail off and she finally meets my eyes. We stay quiet for a moment, just looking at each other for the first time in four years. I momentarily forget about the fact that we're trapped in our old school with infected zombies everywhere, and my focus stays on her.
"I did really love you too.."

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