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"Well, we aren't getting out of here anytime soon, doors are blocked and the windows are like triple glazed."
She gets up, picking up a chair and walks towards the window. "See." She says before she slams the chair leg into the window, doing no damage.
"Okay I get your point."
She puts the chair back down, and sits on it.
"We're going to starve if we don't get food so I reckon we make a trip to the cafeteria, and raid the kitchen. But before that we go to the PE office and get baseball bats."
I raise my eyebrows and I can't lie I'm pretty impressed. "You always did say you'd be so good in a zombie apocalypse."
She smiles and nods, remembering those conversations that we used to have "I've been preparing all these years".

I shake my head and laugh. Safe to say she hasn't really changed much since then.
"But for now." She says, "you sleep, I'll stay up and make sure we don't get attacked."
I go to protest as that feels unfair.
"Don't even try, go to sleep."
I nod and sit on the floor, it's not comfortable but I can literally fall asleep anywhere so it doesn't bother me too much.
Pulling my phone out of my pocket, I see texts from my parents.
We tried to get back in the school but we couldn't. it's unsafe outside, We're at home. We tried police but we got nothing. I'm sorry, I love you. Stay safe.

I typed out my response and turned my phone off, wanting to preserve battery just in case.
Love you too dad

I fell asleep somehow. It didnt take me long, even in this horrible situation i could always sleep.

My eyes drifted open, but this time, the classroom was light and Mia sat on the desk looking at me.
I sat up off the wall, and rubbed my eyes.
"I was hoping it was a dream." I mumbled, and she laughed.
"Sorry but no."
"Were you watching me?" I got up, and rubbed my eyes again.
She coughed and stuttered slightly "well, yeah, but only cause I was wondering when you'd be awake."

I raised my eyebrows at her but let it go anyway. "What's the plan then?" I ask leaning against the desk she's sitting on.
"PE office."
"Right now?"
"No time like the present." She hops off the desk and Walks to the door, opening it silently and checking the corridor. "Clear, come on"
I quickly follow her into the hall, letting her lead the way.
"You fucking love this don't you." I say quietly and she turns to me, a big grin on her face.
We walk quietly through the corridors, Mia checking every corner we turn.
"I mean yesterday I was scared but now I feel like this is my time to shine you know." She talks to me so casually as if we're not literally in a zombie apocalypse right now, and honestly, it makes me less scared.

We reach the PE office without encountering any infected, which makes me feel a bit uneasy, I'd expected to at least see one.
Mia tugs at the door handle but it doesn't budge, so she pulls it down even harder this time. It still doesn't open.
"It's locked."
"Wow, thank you Sadie." She rolls her eyes at me but a smile creeps onto her face nevertheless.
"Did you think this scenario out in your plan?"
She looks at me, giving me a once over that makes my knees kind of weak. To my surprise, she turns back around and kicks the door, sending it flying open.
Oh my..
"Brute force." She says as she walks through like she didn't just kick it open in the most attractive way.
I take a big gulp and follow her in. Inside she's picking up a bat and inspecting it, then she picks up another.
"Which one do you want?"
I study them. Looking between the two I quickly realise they are literally both the same.
"I'll have either." I say, and she throws me the one on the left.
I catch it, and nearly grimace when it hits my fingers on the way, but Mias shocked face makes me hold it back.
"Nice catch, you've improved."
I smirk and try to flip the bat in my hand, but embarrassingly I drop it. It clatters to the ground and Mia can't help the laugh that escapes her.
I stare at the bat on the ground, not bothering to pick it up after it failed to flip around for Me.

"Are you going to pick that up?" She asks, clearly finding my failure amusing.
She rolls her eyes, still smiling and bends down to pick up the bat for me. However, as I'm about to thank her she does some spinney bat trick, before handing it back to me, holding in her laughter.
She checks outside the door before walking out and leaving me stood In the room.
"You're so annoying ." I shout out the door, despite actually finding whatever the fuck she just did really hot.

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