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We got to the cafeteria and Mia hopped over the serving counter like it was nothing, before helping me. I gripped my bat tightly as we rounded the corner, not that it would be any use, I was never any good at sports.
Thankfully there was nothing there and we got searching.
Anything edible we shoved in pockets and Mia loaded up a bag she had found in the PE office.
"Hope you like beans Sadie cause there's bloody loads of them." She showed me a cupboard filled with baked beans and I shrugged.
"They're alright."
Mias eyes go wide and I look behind me, absolutely shitting myself. My eyes dart around to find there's nothing there.
"What the fuck Mia! I thought there was something behind me." I shout at her, and put my hand on my chest.
"No! Sorry, my bad, it's just, is there still a vending machine here?"
I shrug, "I'll go see."
"Be careful." Mia says as I struggle to hop back over the counter.
"You too." I turn around briefly and we hold eye contact for a moment. She looks at me and I can tell she's worried.
"I'll be okay." I say, before turning and checking around the wall.

The cafeteria is empty and it creeps me out a bit. It's a bit more run down then it was when I went to school here, which kind of makes it scarier. I spot a vending machine in the corner and quickly walk over to it.
M&ms, snickers, hersheys, literally everything you could want is in this vending machine.
Yes please.
I give it a shove and nothing happens, so I hit it, and a singular pack of gum falls out. Great. Why can't this work as well as Mia kicking the door did. I stand there, examine the Machine and thinking of a way to get snacks out. If I grab both sides and shake it, maybe that will work.

I take hold of each side and start violently shaking it. The sound of snacks falling out, and the machine shaking echoes around the empty cafeteria and I smile to myself watching as the bottom of the machine fills up.
I crouch down to open it, picking out a pack of m&ms, and opening them. Shoving a few in my mouth, I start chewing, and the crunching fills my ears.
I don't hear the stumbling footsteps behind me until I feel a sharp grip on my shoulder. My head turns around so fast I'm surprised it didn't roll off, and I scream. The thing tries to pull me closer but I kick it's leg and try to run, but it grabs me again. My m&ms scatter all over the floor as I'm dragged down, and I struggle to keep the thing away from me.
It's arms hold me down while it's head tries to come closer, trying to bite me I assume.
"MIA!" I scream her name, desperately trying to fight off this half human but it's too strong.

I hear fast footsteps, and suddenly the thing stops fighting and gets knocked onto the ground beside me. I scramble to get up, and watch it wearily.
Mia swings her bat again, hitting it right as it tries to get up, and it flies to the ground.
It's barely moving, but Mia takes her bat and hits it again. Once she knows for sure it's dead, she stands back, breathing heavily.
I stand there shocked. I nearly died.
"you okay?" Her voice is genuine, like it was when she found me in the corridor, and her face is full of concern. I'd find it cute if I hadn't just been attacked by a zombie.
"I think so." My voice shakes, and my lips tremble a bit. Mia takes a step towards me and drops the bat she's holding, before hesitantly trying to grab my arms.
I flinch slightly, but she carries on, gently pulling me closer to her. Her gentleness calms me down and I relax into her touch a bit more.
Slowly, her arms wrap around my shoulders in the most comforting way and I swear I nearly melt into it. I tuck my head into the crook of her neck and wrap my arms around her.
Even after all these years I still feel safe when she hugs me.

I hear her take a deep breath, and her arms tighten around me, before she lets me go. She keeps hold of my arms and her eyes never leave mine "do that again, and I swear to god I'll kill you myself. Got me stressing and everything."
I smile, and I know that she played it off as a joke but I can tell she's serious.
"I'll try."

Zombie apocalypse (GxG)Where stories live. Discover now