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"This just doesn't make any sense" I said shaking my head replaying the memory over again. That could be Noah but that is not Danny it cant be. Everyone looks at me while my eyes shone white. "What doesn't make sense babe?" Octavius asked but I was a bit too occupied trying to figure out the puzzle the presented itself in front of me. Sage was watching me trying to read me or at least trying to figure out what was going on in my head. "Wait, your right that just doesn't make sense how could it" Sage caught onto what I was talking about. I turned to my mate. "Are you sure you don't remember how they got here?" He shook his head. Everyone was now picking on to what I was talking about. "Why cant it make sense?" Daniel asked, "Is he stupid" Saphora asked. I shook my head, Ignoring her whole comment. "That memory that Macy played is over 200 years ago, Macy went off to find someone to remove her powers but no matter who she asked or how hard they tried no one could remove her powers, This is when people found out that she existed, People manipulated her she didn't know any better, she didn't know what love looked like or even genuine friendship, she couldn't tell if someone was being nice or if they were using her, she didn't know any better she had no one her whole life besides herself, I've come and gone over the years but we weren't really that close until after she came back, People used her but Katrina her wolf didn't help much every time an Alpha was near her she would say that it was her mate so Macy trusted them" Octavius growled at this. Sage rolled her eyes and carried on. "Anyway some shit went down and she came back, I thought she would have gone on a rampage I had heard of all the horrible things that she was blamed for, Packs burnt down, Coven's destroyed people coldly murdered but when I heard the story's I couldn't believe that what they were saying was my sister, The one who I had come to love even though I hated her at the start, I hated the fact that she was nowhere around but my mother adored her, She never wanted to abandon her but was forced to well that's what she says I cant tell if what my mother says it true or not, That memory was a month after she had come back and that was over 200 years ago Danny is only 18"

I didn't mind Sage sharing about all of this mainly because I only told her the parts that I am comfortable sharing, There is so much that she doesn't know and even if she does she hasn't said anything about it. I know that there was talk about what Alpha's did to me in the werewolf world but she's been away from it for so long that I wouldn't know if she knew or not and I wouldn't not until she tells me because knowing her she would have blocked those memory's away from me. Everything that I've told her about my time away she has blocked incase another witch comes along looking for something through her which has happened before which is why she blocks them away. "And if it was true that would mean Danny is younger than Noah by like two or three years" And that just wasn't possible. "It is us though" Danny and Noah said at the same time. "What do you mean?" Sage asked.

"We have a picture and video of us on that day" Danny got up and ran to what I'm guessing is to retrieve the items he was just talking about. "There is a large chunk of my life that I cant remember I thought it was due to old age but maybe it could be something more, I don't remember anything not even where I was its like that part of my life is gone" What the fuck has been happening around here and why are we just figuring this out now. Danny walked back into the room and handed me the picture, "What the hell" I said looking at the picture. It was the two boys and the couple who had come to see me but there was something in the background, you couldn't notice it right away in fact I wouldn't have noticed it if I didn't have the memory.

"I need to go back to my house" I threw the picture at Sage before leaving the room. This was too much but I don't know why it was happening I didn't even know I was doing it was I doing it without even noticing it? How could I have done that to them and not even know. I thought I was just training yes I was saying the spell but I didn't think that there were people close enough to affect them. I needed to fix this and I needed to fix it now

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2022 ⏰

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