The Ruins and Beginning of a Friendship

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After what had happened between Grace and I, I have been pretty miserable. She has been my one true friend and she leaves me for some mean people. Why did this have to happen to me? We have ignored each other before but not like this. What has made her to make this decision? Me being to bossy? Too sarcastic? Whatever the reason might be, I will ask her soon enough.

Grace and I have been texting each other a little bit but it was not like our normal texts. I asked her why she left me and she replied with, "Gwen, I have decided to move on from acting like a little kid. I am older and mature now. You should move on too." After this I was speachless. I put my phone down and ran outside to clear my mind. I kept thinking about what she had texted me. It was so unlike her. It seemed to be like a script. Maybe the her "new friends" made her do it. All I know is that I had just lost my only friend.

Before I went back inside, I saw a girl around my age sitting on a curb in front of a house. She looked familiar, I soon realized that she was in my class. I would talk to her tomorrow because it was getting late and cold. The next day I found out that her name was Lila. Like me she also wants to be an author. I asked her I'd she would like to be my friend, she accepted. I rear some of her writing and it was way better than Grace's writing. I knew that this friendship would last along time.

Lila and I talked to each other everyday. I have never had this much fun before with a friend. I went over to Lila's house on Friday, I saw Grace looking at me with what may have been envy. I smiled to myself knowing that she is envious of my new friend. But Grace was right, she did look older and she was wearing make-up. She never wore make-up. This was a whole new side to Grace. She had changed completely.

Lila and I had a god time. We watched a movie marathon because I was staying the night. Grace hasn't texted me since Wednesday which I guess is good. Lila walked to my house with me so we could talk on peace. Something about Lila comforted me, unlike Grace. I didn't know why I kept comparing them, I guess it was a habit that I had. But I knew that Lila wouldn't leave me like Grace did.

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