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Hi loves!

I'm not sure if any of you have heard but I'm very excited to announce that Damien is officially an ebook! You can find Damien on Amazon Kindle and here's the link.

I appreciate all of your love and support and I know that I could not have done this without any of you. Each and every read, comment and vote means the world to me and I'm so thankful from the bottom of my heart. With that being said, I have an amazing contest to announce with up to three of you being able to get Damien for free on Amazon!

Here are the rules:

1. I'd love to see some sort of one shot, fanart, or cover in regards to Damien. It doesn't have to be anything specific and I don't mind being surprised. It doesn't have to be about Damien and Serena but any of the characters!

2. Follow me on Instagram (shameless self plug, apologies). @therebellionxx (on Instagram)

3. If you've read Damien, could you please leave a review on Amazon. It would mean the world and it'll really help me in the long run. Of course the published version will be a little different so bear that in mind!

4. Is there anything you would like? I know that some can't write or good with graphics so let me know if you'd like some way to be part of the competition!

Once again, I can't thank you enough. I'm still on cloud nine and I'm thinking of more ways to repay you all back. I know there are a lot questions etc about when Damien will be free and I never have a proper answer for that but there will be an announcement coming soon in regards to that as well. I mean it. It's something I've been thinking about a lot and I can't say anything further (I might've said too much already) but just know I'll keep you in the loop with whatever comes up.

If you have any questions, comment away!

All the love :) Xx

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