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Chapter 1

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Serena Mclane's P. O. V

Taking in the content of the words displayed on my laptop screen, I quickly scan them one last time and then immediately exit out of the web browser.

I push away from my writing table and spin around in my swivel chair before stopping myself as I start to feel dizzy.

Somehow I never learn to stop.

I lay my head against the chair and let out a low groan.

What do I do now?

I'm so bored.

Stalking celebrities all day, unfortunately, does have its limits.

And by limits, I mean your mother coming into your room and catching you staring at pictures of a certain half naked model.

The slight ping of my phone going off makes me stand up and trudge over to my bed.

I reply to a few messages and ignore others, making sure not to click on certain areas so that the conversation doesn't open up.

Someone knocks on the door and opens it, pushing their head through.

Before even looking up from my phone, I know it isn't my mother because she would just barge in like always.

Smiling at the person in front of me, I immediately sit up as my sister makes her way through the door and into my bedroom.

"Hey Sarah." I greet as I take in the sight of my sister.

She stood there in all her 5'11–red headed–green eyed–model figure glory.

I still remember when I was younger, and everyone used to fawn over my sister and her beauty.

Hell, I nearly lost it when she got offers into the modelling industry but eh, I've made my peace with it.

"What are you doing here? Shouldn't you be in Italy?" I ask as I make room for her to sit down.

Instead of taking a seat, she places her handbag down on the ground and then sprawls on the bed right next to me.

"Just felt like it. I missed mum and dad. Speaking of dad, where is he?" She muses.

"Out of country. He's landing soon, so he'll probably be back in a couple of hours." I answer.

Sarah nods her head in understanding and smiles at me.

"Has dad talked to you?" She asks.

I furrow my brow and shake my head.

"About what?" I ask in both curiosity and suspicion.

It had to be about me otherwise she wouldn't be giving me that–I know something you don't know–look.

"We'll see." She simply says, shrugging.

Instead of pestering her, I keep quiet, knowing she won't tell me a single thing.


"Girls!" My mother's voice shouts up at us.

"Coming!" I yell back down but still stay where I'm lying.

"Come on, lazy." Sarah says as she pats me on the shoulder and gets up.

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