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Chapter 10

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Serena Mclane's P. O. V

My eyes widen and I sit there like a gaping fish.

"W-what?" I manage to splutter out. Never had I thought I would hear those words, especially from him.

Damien sits there, perfectly casual as if he didn't say what he did. "We need to familiarize ourselves with each other." He murmurs as he too leans forward.

"We were." I say indignantly, "When I was telling you about myself. That's classed as familiarizing ourselves with one another." My emotions range from annoyance to bewilderment and admittedly to excitement.

I mentally scold myself at the last one.

What kind of person am I? A person that has eyes. My subconscious adds in snarkily.

Damien leans even further if possible, "that is a different kind of familiarity. Do you not agree?"

Do I?

I swallow nervously. Who knows where this can go?

Damien is an unpredictable man, anything can happen with him.

But Damien.

He's like a blank canvas. A blank canvas that doesn't want to be filled, with whatever it may be.

I realise all I've been doing is staring at him, barely blinking, like an idiot. Clearing my throat, I find myself answering him. "I do, sort of. You want us to feel comfortable around one another, so that we don't seem out of place– if you will– in public. We need to be relaxed and to not tense up at one another's touch." I finish.

I do get the gist of what Damien's saying. It just took me a while to turn my mind in another direction and well not wherever it was before, which was down in the gutter. It also makes a lot of sense. If either of us seems uncomfortable in public just by being around the other in question, it'll be sure to grant us weird looks.

I, however, didn't think Damien would come up with the suggestion.

"Precisely." Damien says as he stands up. I feel immensely awkward as I glance at his figure towering over me, "So how do we do this exactly?" I find myself asking.

Do we count to three and then randomly grope one another? I can feel myself going red in the face merely thinking about it. Damien gazes at my slightly red cheeks and surprisingly smirks.

"We have to go out now anyways, to your fathers company."

My good mood immediately gets shot down and I have to force myself to not let it actually show. Damien notices this and quickly shakes his head, "Your father will not be there."

I sigh out in relief. Thank goodness for that.

As I stand up, Max comes into the room holding another stack full of files, so high you can barely see his face. Though you can hear him huffing from exertion.

"I got you the files you needed Sir." Max says as he takes a careful step forward, not being able to see and all.

"That was fast." Damien comments. It truly was. It's only been a few minutes, since Max left the room after Damien spoke to him.

"Well yes sir," Max says sounding proud of doing a task, very efficiently at that. Placing the stacks of paper onto Damien's already cluttered desk, Max straightens out his crumpled shirt.

"You said you needed it immediately as it is important and so I did my best." Max says, sounding pleased. "Very well," Damien murmurs, "Take care of whatever calls and emails I get, the usual. Serena and I have to be on our way."

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