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Chapter 7

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Serena Mclane's P. O. V

The both of us trudge down the garden in silence as I gaze at his back. Why would he come so soon? I expect he has more important work to do than to help me to move in with.

Just the thought of moving in with him leaves me slightly weary. I barely know the guy. Anything can happen. And that's what I'm worried about but who wouldn't be?

"Why did you come so soon?" I find myself asking, "Not that I didn't want you to but I gather you have more important things to do." I finish somewhat lamely.

Damien glances over his shoulder to look at me.

"I perceived you would rather I make this happen as soon as possible."

With that he turns around and fastens his pace. Damien is sort of right about that. There's this one part of me, that actually wants to go with him, to leave this place– more in particular, my fathers ever so watchful eye– and for all this to be just over and done with.

The other part of me, wants to stay here and wallow in my memories of what could have been.

I mean nearly everyone feels the same, don't they?

I nod my head and go to thank him but just at that moment, he opens the door and enters into the house through the kitchens back door.
My eyes immediately dart to my family standing in the middle and not even a moment later is my mother pulling me into her, hugging the life out of me.

Even Sarah joins in the hug while my mother coos various things in my ear. However my father stands there rigidly, barely glancing at me. By the time we all pull away, Damien has gone out to the front of the house. Following behind him into the living room, I notice two people carrying the boxes from my bedroom and out of the house.

I peak my head out the front door only to see a black car standing right next to Damien's car where he himself is, tapping away on his phone. Noticing me, he puts his phone away and comes over to me, where I stand in the entry way to talk to my father about certain things. Once again, I say my goodbyes with plentiful of hugs from my mother and sister.

I turn to my father, not too sure on what to do however he answers for me by walking away. My face falls at his actions but I quickly plaster on a fake smile. Turning to Damien, I brighten my smile up a notch since I have a feeling he usually sees through all these little occurrences.

I'm apparently correct as Damien quickly scans my face but thankfully he doesn't say anything regarding it.

Finishing my final goodbyes, I soon find myself sitting in Damien's car as a lapse of silence greets us.

He's always so quiet.

"Thank you." I say as the silence gets too much for me. Damien's eyes remain on the road, not even glancing at me.

That's a good thing I guess.

However it slightly frustrates me.

In reply to my statement he nods but doesn't say anything.

"So what exactly is going on?" I ask. Anything to just make him speak.

"Well you are my fiancée as I am yours." He answers simply. My eyes widen as I look at him, "So we're going through with this whole marriage thing."

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