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Chapter 5

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Serena Mclanes' P. O. V

My mouth immediately goes dry as my fathers glare strengthens.

"Get. In." He growls out once again.

Nodding my head, I quickly slip into the house and make my way to the living room, my fathers fast paced steps echoing behind me.

"What was that little stunt you pulled there?" My father asks me as soon as I twist myself around to see him. "Stunt?" Is all I ask, bewildered.

Surely he didn't think that was all an act.

"Yes! To think I could have at least trusted you enough to not embarrass me. It's certainly good to know that you are incapable of handling something as simple as that."

By now my father is nearly screaming into my face, his words gaining volume, which makes me take a hesitant step back.

I know my father won't harm me. It's all merely verbal what he throws at me.

"I swear I didn't do it on purpo-," I try to plead but it's like asking for a  miracle to not be cut off when talking to my Dad.

"No excuses. I've had it up to here with your nuisance."

At that, I visibly flinch. He's never been so angry before. Does all this mean that much to him?

Noticing my slightly scared look, my father takes a step back to calm himself. He takes in a deep breath and rakes a hand through his red hair. "Tomorrow," he says pausing as he takes another breath, "The Stryker's are coming over for lunch. I don't want to see any of this nonsense and I want you to be polite and for heavens sake don't faint again." Dad says.


They're coming again.

I don't think I can handle so much in a span of forty eight hours. Nonetheless I nod my head and wait for him to finish as I know there is more to come.

"You will be sleeping in your sisters room tonight."

"Why?" I ask in confusion.

"I don't need any more hassle of you running away or anything of the sorts." He clarifies. Hearing that makes my stomach drop as my mind flashes to Sarah and our brief conversation before we left for the Stryker's house. She wouldn't dare do such a thing, after all she is my sister.

"Now go." He dismisses, pulling me out of my thoughts.

It doesn't take me long to scurry out of his vision, albeit I nearly trip in my heels as I make my way up the stairs.


The ringing of the doorbell makes me freeze in place.

Sarah looks at me with a raised eyebrow and I sigh in defeat as I lift myself up off of the barstool in the kitchen.

"Serena, could you get the door please." My mother asks me from the living room. Prodding my head in through the entryway, I catch a glimpse of her fluffing the cushions and sitting various decorations straight into place.

The doorbell rings once more and I quickly make my way towards it. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath and give myself a very fast and brief pep talk. Exhaling, I open the door and come face to face with the Stryker's.

All three of them.

"Oh it's so lovely to see you again. Thank goodness you're feeling better." Katelyn coos as she pulls me into a hug.

"Thankfully." Is all I mumble back, hugging her. Glancing up, those same blue eyes greet me; Distanced and tranquilizing as always. I smile timidly at Damien only to get a blank stare in return.

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