The Guys Who Blew Up The Bathroom

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Percie POV
"This is stupid." I muttered under my breath, slogging to school. Almost 2 feet of snow and our principal says we still need to come to school.

"Percie, wait up!" I heard Goldenrod call behind me. I stopped in my tracks and waited for her to catch up to me.

"Danvers is insane, thinking this is a good idea." Goldenrod said, playing with her flute case. Her curly reddish blonde hair was pulled into a ponytail under her beanie. Her bright green eyes darted around, surveying the street. "Insane." She muttered.

"Cheer up, Goldie. Maybe he'll at least let us go home early."

Goldenrod laughed bitterly. "Yeah right."

I shrugged and we trudged the rest of the way to school in silence.

"HEY JACKSON!" Someone shouted as soon as I got through the doors.

"Hi, Nathan." I muttered, avoiding the big boy's glare.

"What you got for lunch?" He leaned over me with a smirk.

"None of your business, as it's not for you." I snapped.

Nathan growled. "Gimme your food or give me the money, Jackson."

I faced him head on. "No. Go find someone else to pick on."

Nathan smirked. "How about your friend here?" He openly ogled Goldenrod, who was a pretty cute girl.

"Ew!" She hid behind me.

"C'mon, Sweet. Let's have a talk, shall we?" Nathan tried to push me away. I stood my ground and shoved him back.

"Don't touch me Jackson, or else!" He raised his hand. I prepared to take the slap like I normally would. Without reaction, I watched his hand come down.

"MR. BOBOFIT!" A woman's voice roared. We looked up to see Mrs. Brinn watching, arms crossed and a single eyebrow raised.

"Were you about to hit Ms. Jackson?" She asked calmly.

"No ma'am." Nathan said sweetly, trying to get on her good side like he did with all the other teachers.

Mrs. Brinn narrowed her eyes slowly. "Detention, Mr. Bobofit. Ms. Jackson, Ms. Undergrove, to class please."

Nathan glared daggers at me as Mrs. Brinn led him down the hall, wheeling her wheelchair in front of him.

"C'mon, Percie, we're gonna be late." Goldenrod pulled my down the hall the other way. I sent Nathan one last triumphant smirk before following her.

"Hey, Goldenrod, tell Mr. Dodds that I had to use the bathroom." She opened her mouth to protest. "I don't care how much he hates me, he can't give me a detention for using the bathroom."

"Fine. Go fast though." Goldenrod kept going. I ducked into the bathroom and stared at myself in the mirror.

Black hair that almost reached my waist. Sea-green eyes that sparkled all the time. Blue jacket, white t-shirt.

I pulled my hair into an expert ponytail, sticking a pencil through it. Then I grimaced and let it back down again. The stupid bruise my step-mother had given me showed when I pulled my hair back.

"Shhh! No one's gonna find out, so long as you keep quiet!" A voice hissed from out in the hall. I froze and listened quietly to what they were saying.

"The Stolls are gonna be so jealous when we tell them about this one. Bet it stings that us two prank better than them." A second voice commented smugly.

"Mik, I said shut up!" The first voice reprimanded.


The door to the girls bathroom opened and two guys came in, carrying what looked like small explosives. They froze when they saw me.

"Uhh...hey, kid." One of them said, riffling a hand through his shaggy blond hair.

"I have a name." I retorted without thinking.

The brown/red haired boy laughed. "Spunk. Nice. And what is that name, kid?"

I glared at him. "Percie."

They both snickered. "Yeah, it's a guy's name, so what? I've got a real question for you now."

"And what would that be, kid?" Asked the brown haired boy, his blue eyes sparkling.

"Why do you guys have explosives?"

"We're gonna blow up the bathroom. You should leave or you'll be an accomplice." The blond guy said matter-of-factly.

They shooed me out and down the hall.

"You might want to forget you saw us." As quickly as they had come, the two disappeared. I sighed and headed to my class.

"Sorry, Mr. Dodds, I was in the bathroom."

"Sit down, Ms. Jackson. Detention for tardiness." I glared at the old man teaching class. This day could not get worse.

[A/N this is a full GenderBend. Everyone. And I mean EVERYONE. Will be the opposite gender. Can you guess who's who so far?]

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