Unusual Events For A Children's Camp

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Mikkel POV

I was walking past the Big House when I heard what sounded like an angry owl screeching. Seconds later, Lucy dragged Andrew out of the building. The blond boy looked pissed.

"Lucy, let go of me! I swear to the gods, I'm going to stab her with a rusty spoon-LET GO!" He struggled against the tall girl. She must be pretty strong to hold him back.

"S'up, Luce?" I grinned.

"Help me take Andy somewhere he can blow off steam without killing someone." She pleaded. I eyed the twelve year old boy, then grabbed him and chucked him over my shoulder.

"Lead the way." I called over Andy's enraged screams.

Lucy flashed me a grateful smile, the scar on her cheek stretching slightly. Then she marched off towards the training arena.

"So what we're gonna do is get him in there," She pointed to the arena,"I'll set up a barrier of dummies around you two, then you get the Haden out of there and he can go at it with the dummies." I nodded.

"Good plan. You've been hanging out with him too much."

"What do you mean?"

"You're a daughter of Hermies, you aren't supposed to have the plans. You have the numbers and the skill."

She made a face at me. "Thank you SO much. Way to make me feel good about myself."

I winked. "That's what I'm here for." I ducked a sharp punch that would have landed directly on my nose.

"Hey, carrying an angry demigod here!"

She shrugged and grinned mischieviously at me. "All that means is that you can't retaliate!" Throwing another punch, one that slammed into my stomach and made me double over, she dashed off, practically cackling.

"GET BACK HERE CASTELLAN!" I shouted, chasing after her.


Percie POV

Chira told me off about angering one of her "senior demigods" and sent me away with an activities schedule. I scanned the list slowly, taking in the Greek letters pretty easily.

"Swordfighting, rock climbing, swimming, that one'll be fun, archery, I have a bad feeling about this one." I muttered, wandering through the camp.

"Need help with that?" I looked up to see Trava grinning at me.

"No thanks." I said quickly. She laughed.

"Was that intuition or did Lucy tell you about me?" She slung an arm over my shoulders.

"Both, now get your hand out of my pocket. I don't carry a wallet." She groaned and moved away a bit.

"Dang, you're good. Where you headed?" I shrugged sheepishly.

"I, uh...actually don't...I don't know."

Trava let out a booming laugh. "Let me see the schedule." I handed it to her. "Alright...you've got Swordplay. That's there." She pointed to a large open-topped building.

"Thanks." I took the schedule back, then turned towards what I assumed was the arena. I rubbed my hand on my wrist and turned back sharply.

"Trava! Give me my bracelet back!" She held up her hands.

"I don't have it!"

A twin giggle sounded behind me and I sighed. "You freaking tag teamed me? Not cool!" They both laughed and Connie tossed me my bracelet.

"We're going to have to watch out for you." Trava said, waving. I flicked a hand at her in response and jogged into the arena.

Looking around, I saw several kids practicing. There were a few that looked rather incompetent, a few that looked really experienced, and a couple who had skill levels partway in between.

"Percie! You have Swordfighting?" I turned to see Lucy.

"Yeah...you too?" She laughed.

"Nah. I'm teaching." Lucy whirled and jumped between two kids who were sparring. "No, no, no! If you want to catch them by surprise, you need to be quicker!" In a few moments, she had disarmed both of them and held a sword to each of their necks, having retrieved one from the ground.

She turned to me. "Percie, you want to spar?"

I gulped.

[A/N so Percie is a lot smarter than Percy.But I'll dumb her down in some situations. And my OC does not have a crush/relationship with Lucy, they're just friends]

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