The Love In This Room Sickens Me

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Percie POV


"Hello, Percie." Posieda smiled at me.

"You broke your oath! A child, sister? Haden will be furious!"

"I couldn't care less if Haden is angry. And may I remind you, Zeua, that your son was the first born. Taylor was the beginning of this and you know it."

Zeua growled, lightning flashing in the sky above her. Posieda raised a single eyebrow.

"Now now, Sister, wouldn't want to destroy the camp your son was so bent on reaching, would we?"

"Shut up, Posieda."

"And why should I do that? I am older."


"Such love." I muttered.

"What was that?" Zeua growled.

"I said," I cleared my throat loudly and spoke slowly like I was talking to a child. "Such. Love."

"Listen here, Sea Spawn, if you think you can go around backtalking the almighty Queen of the Gods, let me tell you-"

"ZEUA. Do not threaten my daughter." My mom suddenly snarled.

"Sisters, please don't fight." Chira said softly. "It would be bad for the campers to see their parents screeching at each other."

Zeua simply growled and flashed out. My mom covered my eyes at the last possible second.

"Goodbye Percie. I'm sorry I cannot stay longer, I must go and explain this to the  Olympians."

I looked down. "Okay...bye Mom."

She kissed me softly on the head and then erupted into sea-green light. I looked away.

"Well, child, you will need to move your things from the Hermies Cabin to the Posieda cabin." Chira said. I nodded and walked off toward the cabins.

Someone fell in step next to me. I could smell bug-repellent.

"Hi Andrew."

"How'd you know it was me?" He asked. I looked up at his confused grey eyes.

"You smell like bug spray. You know that doesn't work on spiders right?" I had figured out right away that the Athen cabin was afraid of spiders. The Stolls liked to aggravate that fear.

"The Stolls said-"

"Rule number one, Andy, never trust my sisters." Lucy had matched my pace as well.

"So watcha doin' Percie?"

"Moving my pathetic amount of possessions to my cabin, hopefully before the Stolls steal them." I shrugged.

Lucy nodded. "Best idea I've heard today."

I stuck a hand into my pocket and felt something in it. Frowning, I pulled out he pen that Chira had given me, which hadn't been in my pocket when I woke up in the infirmary.

"What the..." I trailed off.

"Did you steal that from Chira?" Andrew sounded disapproving.

I rolled my eyes. "No. It just showed up in my pocket."

"Well, let's move your stuff then tell Chira." Lucy said as Andrew opened his mouth, probably to accuse me of stealing again. I glared at him as she dragged us to the Hermies Cabin.


"It just appeared?" Chira inspected my pen.

No, it's not mine. Stupid assuming brain. It's still Chira's.


"Hmmm..." She set it on the table for a moment and turned to me. "This is most unusual Miss Jackson. I-"

"Chira it's gone!" I pointed to the desk. She turned to look. Sure enough, the pen had disappeared from where she had set it.

"Percie, check you pocket." Andrew suggested.

I did.

"It's here again!"

Chira looked thoughtful. "Well, Percie, since it seems I cannot stop it, you may keep it. It's proper name is Anaklusmos."

"Riptide." Andrew translated, just before the name popped into my brain.

"I can understand Greek just fine, Andrew." I snapped. He scowled at me.

"You know what you-"

"Mr. Chase. Please refrain from angering yourself or Miss Jackson further." Chira interrupted firmly.

Andrew growled at me. I stuck my tongue out in response and he lunged at me, pulling out his dagger.

Swiftly uncapping Riptide, I met his attack and responded, trying to stay alive.

Lucy dashed in between us, sword up. She disarmed Andrew and held her sword to his throat carefully.

"Andy, calm down."

"Don't tell me to calm down! I'm going to filet that Sea Spawn like the guppy she is!"

"Hey!" I snapped. "Guppies are cool. And you're a jerk."

Andrew sneered at me.

"Percie, don't make it worse, it's gonna take me an hour to calm him down anyway." Lucy pleaded, dragging Andrew away by his arm. Those grey eyes were locked on me, full of hatred.

"Later Owl Face." I called just as the door closed. Andrew's scream of rage could probably be heard from Times Square.

"Percie, please stop." Chira sighed.

[A/N let the hatred begin! Haven't decided if they're going to get together in this or just be friends. I really don't ship Percy with anyone, but I'd consider putting Percie with Taylor when he gets out of his tree]

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