The River Lethe Slacks Off During Work Hours

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Percie POV

"Who are you taking?" Chira asked me.

"Goldenrod for sure."

"Are you sure, Percie?"


"Then you need to take a demigod. I'd suggest Andrew or one of the two who brought you to camp."

I sighed. "Andrew it is then. I won't split up the guys."

"And why not?"

I froze, frowning.

"I...I don't know."

"Most people refuse to split those two. It's second nature after seeing their relationship. But there is a reason for that relationship, Percie. I suggest if you want to know more, asking them. I will get your quest members and tell them that you will leave tomorrow morning."

I nodded, confused.

"They're probably at the archery range."

I wandered out of the Big House and headed for the archery range.

Sure enough, Mik and Briel were at the archery range. I knew he hated that name, but I couldn't bring myself to call him Gabe. It was to close to Gabriela's name.

"No no no, you're doing it wrong!" Mik exclaimed, taking the dagger from Briel's hand carefully. "Flick your wrist as you extend your arm!"

"I really prefer my spear." The blond complained.

"You need a distance weapon!"

"Says who?"

"I do! Now try again."



"Not gonna happen!"



"Pweeease?" Mikkel held his hands up pleadingly, giving Briel an adorable puppy look.

Briel opened his mouth, then closed it, then repeated the gesture. "Fine."

"Yes!" Mik gave his friend a cheeky smile. Briel glowered at him for a moment, then turned back to the target and threw the knife again. It thudded into the wooden retaining wall behind it.


"Uh, guys?" I put in timidly.

"Oh, hey Percie!" Briel shot me a smile and Mik smirked, pulling my ponytail lightly.

"What's up, Fish Girl?"

I made a face at the nickname. "Chira was telling me something...she told me to talk to you guys if I wanted to know more."

Briel frowned. "Okay, what did you want to ask about?"

"Chira asked me why I didn't want to split you guys up to go on a quest. I told her it just didn't seem right and she told me if I wanted to know why to ask you."

Briel and Mik exchanged glances.

"'ve got to swear on the Styx that you won't tell anyone, okay?"

I nodded. "I swear it on the Styx." Thunder rumbled.

"Alright, let's go somewhere private." Mik linked arms with Briel, something I didn't see guys do often, and walked off, leaving me to trail along in confusion.

"Where are we going?"

"Zeua's Fist." Mik called calmly.

After a ten minute walk we were all sitting cross-legged on the rocks at Zeua's Fist.

"Alright, what was Chira talking about? It was really confusing and she wouldn't give a straight answer." I said.

"You swore on the Styx never to repeat any of this." Briel said.

"Yeah. Is it something bad? Or do you guys have like, a psychic connection? Are you guys telepathic?" I started to ramble.

Mik chuckled. "In a way." He glanced at Briel, who rolled his eyes.

"Are you-" Briel cut me off by holding his hand up.

"We'll explain, Percie, but before we get into us specifically, you know what the River Lethe is right?"

I nodded. "The river of forgetfulness. Souls from Elysium can drink it if they wish to try for rebirth. Why?"

Briel began to fiddle with his pants leg. Mik slapped him lightly.

"Stop that."

"Not my fault I'm ADHD."

"No, that'd be your mother's."

Briel scowled. "Fine, you tell her."

"Why do I have to tell her? You started the conversation."



They glared at each other.

"Um....hello? Still here and getting very confused!" I said.

"Oops, sorry Percie. So anyway, souls drink from the river if they want rebirth. The secret part, the part you can't reveal to ANYONE, is that if you drink only a drop and you focus really, REALLY hard, you don't lose all your memories."

Mik picked up from the end of Briel's sentence. "You can keep the most important thing in your life on your mind."

They looked at each other again, then Mik turned to me. "Briel and I are on our third incarnation and we were originally twins."

[A/N ayyyye chappie! Hope you like plot twists cause this is what's going down!]

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