Some Guy Hits On Me...Not That Way

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Percie POV

I found Mrs. Brinn talking to a muscular boy with strange armor on.

"Clarence, I'm sure they're fine. They're both fighters and just because you're friends with them does not mean you can gut the kid who supposedly put them in the state they are in now. Ah, hello Percie."

I looked the boy up and down. He did the same to me. His brown stringy hair was cut sloppily, and I had the feeling he did it himself with the dagger at his waist.

"Going to ComicCon?" I asked before I could stop myself. He growled.

"Can I gut her now, Chira?"


The guy stomped off.

"Bye, Clare!" I called.

"THAT'S IT!" Before Mrs. Brinn could react, Clarence was in front of me again. He punched me in the face.

"CLARENCE LA RUE!" Mrs. Brinn roared, her voice echoing over the hill.

"She asked for it, Chira." Clarence said seriously, storming off again.

"Dishes for the next week, Clarence." Mrs. Brinn called after the retreating boy, who screamed in frustration and threw his spear at a tree, frying it with electricity.

"" I muttered.

"Percie, that comment was unnecessary. Clarence and his siblings are very sensitive and temperamental, please try to stay on their good sides." Mrs. Brinn said.

"CHIRA!" A girl's voice screamed. We turned to see two identical girls who could have been twins racing towards us, followed by another, very angry girl.

The identicals had brown curly hair that reached their shoulders and blue sparkling eyes.

"Chira!" The slightly shorter one exclaimed as she got to us. "Lucy's gonna kill us!"

Mrs. Brinn sighed. "Connie, Trava, whatever you did, I'm sure you deserve it at least a little bit." The two girls paled and took off again, glancing back at the third girl who now was holding a bronze colored sword. Mrs. Brinn stopped the blonde.

"Lucille, this is Percie. She's new. Would you do the orientation and the tour please?" Lucille glared after the two brown haired girls for a moment then sighed.

"Sure, one sec. ANDREW!" I flinched as she shouted. "Oops. Sorry, I forget how loud I can be."

"What's up, Luce?" The blond boy from before jogged over. He was a little younger than Lucille.

"Connie and Trava stole my wallet. Care to retrieve it while I give Percie here orientation and the usual?"

Andrew's grey eyes lit up with a malicious sparkle. "My pleasure, Lucille." He dashed off, pulling a dagger from his belt. Lucille turned to me.

"Hi. I'm Lucille Castellan, but most people just call me Lucy. Come with me." She smiled, the large scar on her cheek stretching slightly. Her blue eyes sparkled, but unlike Andrew's, they were inviting. I followed her.

"What is this place?"

"Well, Percie, what do you know about the Greek Gods?"

"Umm...not much. I know Posieda, Zeua and Haden. I know a few monsters too. But that's it." Lucy shrugged.

"Well, it's a start. Do you know anything about the heroes of Greek Mythology?"

"I've seen the movie Hercules." This was greeted by a derisive snort.

"That's it? Sorry, but that movie is way inaccurate."

I stopped walking. "Are you saying that the Gods are real?!" Lucy nodded.

"Alive and kicking, unfortunately. And that means you're a child of one of them."

I shook my head. "That's-that's not possible. Those were just myths, they were never about anything real, right?" Lucy smiled at me sadly.

"Lucille Castellan, daughter of Hermies." She said firmly.

"What about Red and Blondie?" I asked.

"Who? Oh you got brought in by the Crazy Twins didn't you."

"I resent that." A vaguely familiar voice came from behind us. Lucy whirled, bringing her sword up again.

"Oh, hello Mikkel, Gabriel." She said, rather sheepishly. Red and Blondie were standing behind us, leaning on each other.

"Aren't you supposed to be in the infirmary?" Lucy continued.

"We bribed the head kid there."

"Of course you did."

"Don't hate the player, hate the game. Hi Percie."

"Um, Hi."

[A/N Percie's just an awkward little turtle, ain't she? I can't remember who Gabriel and Mikkel's parents are so I will reveal that next chappie. ENJOY THE MUSINGS OF A CRAZY CHILD!]

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