• Make ups•

872 35 1

I was currently layed across the couch with Carter breastfeeding while i watched tv. I was only about 3 and a half month pregnant but i felt like i had been ran over my a train. Me and chris had kinda been getting back on good terms. We were still sleeping in separate rooms but partially working our way back to good terms.

" hey how you feeling?" Chris asked as he walked in from the back room peeking over at me and carter.

" ehh ive felt better " i said honestly

" is it anything i can do ?" He said placing a hand on my small belly. I shook my head giving him a small smile as he kissed me on the forehead giving me a sad smile. I went back to watching tv as my phone rang and i looked over seeing my manager was calling.

" hello ?" I said answering

" hey diamond how are you? "

" im okay , enjoying motherhood I suppose " i laughed

" i see your enjoying it so much your popping out 2 more already " she joked on the other end

" hey watch ittt , ill be sending them to you in couple years " i laughed

" ill be waiting, but hey ive got something pretty big for you" she said

" if its a role you already know i ca-" i said before she interrupted me

" no no no its not a role , its actually something i thing you would really wanna do"

" well come on tell me!" I said getting anxious

" well i spoke to some people over at the Kennedy center andddd......they want you to do the Aretha franklin tribute at the kennedy centre honors show!!" She said making my jaw drop. I shot up with carter still latched onto my boob.

" no wayyy your joking?" I said standing up. Chris was looking at me with confusion as I listened to my manager convince me that she was not joking.

" YES HELL YES I WANNA DO IT!" I said excitedly!

" how - why did they pick me ??! " i asked handing the baby off to chris.

" well...." She started but paused

" well what??"

" she picked you herself " she said and my eyes went wide.

"SANDY!!! ARE YOU KIDDING!! I cant believe this!" I said now not able to contain any of my excitement.

"I promise you, now i just wanted to relay this message to you i call you in a couple weeks with more details but The show is in 6 months and rehearsals start in 5 so prepare correctly!" She said as we hung up from each other. I rubbed my hands through my hair not knowing how to process this information

" what was that?" Chris said coming over to me

"I-im preforming at the Kennedy centre!" I said

" whoa really?" He said just as shocked as me

" yes , they want me to do the tribute to Aretha franklin" i said excitedly

" honey thats MAJOR ! Congratulations!" He said pulling me into a hug kissing my forehead.

" ive never even sang in-front of a crowd before let alone living legends oh my god" i said with my hands over my mouth.

" hey you'll do great i know it. They picked you for a reason that says alot when your not even a official musician" he said making me agree.

" yea but ill be 8 months pregnant too when the show happens , thats alot even saying im going full term with twins that might be difficult " i said now getting a little nervous.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 26, 2023 ⏰

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