Train Hard Run Hard

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(song of the chapter: Ships In the Night, Mat Kearney)

Gabriella's POV...

I woke up to the sound of a gun going of. I shot up in bed and looked around the room ferociously. I quickly put on a pair of leggings with leather on the sides and a tight, black, long-sleeved shirt. I ran across the downstairs to discover Kenzie shooting a Austria 9x19 hand gun at a target. He stopped and looked over at me with a smirk on his face.

"Is this how you wake guest up?" I said looking at him while he put the gun away.

With his back to me he replied with; "Your no longer a guest Miss. McAlester. You live here, you train here." He turned around and smiled at me, he walked over and stood close to me. He leaned in and locked eyes with me. "Were you expecting a nice 'Good morning', accompanied by a kiss?" He stepped back and chuckled.

I turned to start walking away, I then turned around and smiled while saying; "You wish that's how you woke me up lover boy." I walked up the stairs to the kitchen and made breakfast. Kenzie eventually meandered his way up and plopped himself on the couch.

"Breakfast is on the table." He turned the TV on as I spoke.

"Just bring it over here." I didn't move. "Please." I still stood my ground. After a second he turned to face me while still sitting on the couch.

"You have a table for a reason, to eat at. So get you lazy butt up and sit at the table with me so I don't look like a helpless girlfriend with a beer guzzling boyfriend." He stood up and walked over to me as I cut an apple.

He grabbed my hips and turned me around. "Alright Miss. were going to set some rules, there will be no telling me what to do. I eat at the couch, so get over it." I raised an eyebrow while he continued. "Also, there will be no complaining about me shooting a gun early in the morning." And then it hit him. He smiled. "Also, you don't need to worry about my figure." He lifted his shirt and proceeded. "I think I'm fine." He showed off his abs with a smile on his face.

I looked at him, I looked in his eyes and made my best pouty face. "But if you don't sit with me I will just be the helpless girlfriend with no company. Plus your already up."

He walked back to the couch with his food and sat down. "Good thing your not my girlfriend, otherwise you would just die of loneliness." I chuckled as I took my food the my room and I inspected the knives I had been given. The art of knife making was a beautiful thing, each like a fingerprint. Different from anything else.

After inspecting every knife as though I was a detective looking for a spot of blood proving the innocence of a framing, which was at least an hour, I got up and changed into training clothes and went to the training room. There were at least 50 guns lining the walls, polished to perfection.

I picked up a hand gun and proceeded to the shooting range, I put on a pair of goggles and pulled a target up. First shot landed slightly to the left, close to the middle. I shot again and hit the bullseye. I shot eight more times and landed in the bullseye.

I then grabbed 10 knives and threw them at the life-size human model. One to the heart, one to the left arm, then to the right arm. One to each leg, one to the head, two to the stomach, and then two more to the heart.

I turned around to grab another knife and was greeted by Kenzie. "Are you ready to start training?" He asked as if I had a choice. I nodded my head and with a push of a bottom the weapons room turned into a gym. He handed me medical tape, I watched him wrap his fists and chalk his feet.

"Now, this isn't going to be exactly like fitting in a mission, but it is the safest practice." He said as I taped my fist like his were, I chalked my feet and walked to the middle of the room where he was standing.

"I believe in teaching in the pain, teaching in the situation where your focussed. If I just told you to swing your leg and hit me in the chest you might do it wrong and end up with a concussion from hitting your head on the ground." He said. He showed me how to kick even though I had already known how.

"Now, lets fight." He swung first, I ducked and his him square in his lungs. He stepped back trying to catch his breath. I stepped forward and swung my leg to his face, his hand wrapped around my ankle and smirked at me. He dropped me to the ground and sat on me locking my hips to the ground.

I brought my fist to his face and knocked him square in the jaw, he leaned back giving me room to bring my knee up and slammed my knee into his jewels. He moved off my legs and kneeled on the ground, wincing in pain. I stood up and walked over, I swung and he grabbed my fist. He turned me around and locked my arm behind my back. Pain shot through my arm, he let go. "You did well young one." He said smiling.

I was trying to catch my breath. "As if. How old are you?" He smiled and spoke; "23, and you are 21 so I can call you young because you are younger than me. Now enough talking, time for us to go on a run." He said while we walked out of the house.

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