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(the team.)
(song of the chapter: Surender, Cash Cash)

Kenzie's POV...

She was still knocked out in the other room. The five of us stood behind the one-way mirror in silence. Nora had to go into the room when she woke up and explain to her where she was. Harvey had to go in after Nora, introduce himself, give her food and leave. Mara and Jacob went in after, and ask her if she was willing to accept. I would end it with reassurance and bring her into the board room.

Everything went well, and she seemed to enjoy Nora's company. It was my turn, I wanted to make her feel safe but at the same time nervous. She was sitting on the edge of the table turned away. I laid my hand on her shoulder and she immediately turned around.

"Don't touch me." Her voice was sharp, a feeling of tension was in the air. Her bright blue eyes froze my heart. "This is why I don't trust people, I should have known you were with the police." I tried walking close too her but she backed up until she his the wall. She didn't take her beautiful eyes of of mine.

"I'm, I mean, we are not with the police. We work strictly under Her Majesty's Government. M16 is not the police, they work along side us, but we control them." Her eyes still glued on mine she walked forward.

"You wouldn't understand the reason I hate, and then run from the police." I leaned closer, being able to feel her breath on my cheeks.

"I forgot how hard it is to hide stolen art and also search for you 'said-to-be-dead' family members. I used to steal weapons from the Pentagon. News flash, your not the only thief here."

She moved away from my gaze, she stood at the other side of the room. "What dose Nora and Harley steal then? They seem pretty normal."

"Nora, she's not a thief. She is a trained killer, she used to work for a group who killed people who owed them money, she was the top-notch interrogator." Her face instantly showed fear, her eyes got darker. "Harley, he is able to hack into any security system and shoot any gun. So, princess, feel special any more?"

Her eyes scanned my face and landed back on my blue eyes. Her lips were shimmering and her breath smelt like mint. "What do you want with me?" Her voice was back to its normal sound. I backed up, giving her some space knowing that she would probably be denying the offer. She moved a piece of her fallen hair out of her face.

"All of us work for the U.K.'s protection. We all work so that residents are safe and the Queen is safe. Recently, a clan serving out of Japan and parts of the southern islands of India have threatened the security of the a U.K." Her eyes followed mine as I walked around the room and sat next to her.

"Many paintings, weapons, jewels, and raw goods have been smuggled and stolen out. The Queen has rounded a few people see feels capable to get back what's been stolen and stop the clan. You were chosen by name, by the queen and Leaders of The U.K., but they can't force you into anything it's entirely your choice."

She sat back down on the table, probably marking out the pros and cons. "I will under one condition." We had a few million dollars stored up for each person after the job was done, but if she wanted more the Queen would probably give it to her. "I am no longer a wanted criminal." She could have wished for a mansion, but this.

"You no longer will be because you will be working for the U.K. And when the mission is done, you can leave or stay and work more. Pay is good, and housing is provided." Her eyes turned grey, her lips pressed together. Her beautiful face, her beautiful eyes looked away and then in an instant looked back.

"Is there anything else I should know Kenzie? Before I take this job."

"Nora and Harley are dating and Jacob and Mara are married. Also, you will be living in the spot your at right now with me, and I will be helping you train." Her eyes fluttered together and a blank stare was left on her face. "Well now that you are well informed we need to refresh you on the mission and start training. Follow me."

I heard her light footsteps behind me following me like a lost puppy. I opened the door going into the conference room. She sat down in one of the chairs, I sat across from her. Nora turned on the cam and the secret service officer popped up on the video cam.

As he was talking I peered across the table at Krista who was intently staring at the screen. She was biting her lip as he was explaining all the con's of this mission and life or death situations. I figured she did that when she was nervous.

He ended the video and Mara stepped up, "So you know your groups, please start training all the equipment is at your quarters. Krista, we are glad to have you with us. I hope you enjoy sating with Kenzie and I hop you enjoy Italy."

Mara and Harley had to catch their flight back to Wales, Scotland. Mara and Jacob lived at the base in London, U.K., and Krista and I live in Vienna, Italy. Our flight was in 2 hours back home. We walked outside, the cold air stung my lungs. Krista was holding her arms as she loaded her new equipment into the car. "Would you like my jacket?"

"No, I'm fine." Her voice was stern and full of tension. The car was loaded and I sat in the front seat and started driving. She took out the phone she had been given and messed around on it. She started playing music through her headphones, her eyes shut and she fell asleep.

We arrived at the airport and we unladed out stuff and got through customs. We got to our terminal and loaded the plane. She sat at the window seat, her eyes glued on the dark. The sky was painted black and white speckles lined the sky.

"Kenzie, how long have you been working with these people?"

"Long enough that I trust them, and they trust me."

"Can I trust you?" She asked, her beautiful eyes closing as she looked at me.

"Yes." Her head went onto my shoulder and I laid my head onto hers. "And I will trust you." I said.

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