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(song of the chapter: Runaway, Galantis)

Kenzie's POV...

I stood behind the two way mirror at Gabriella, her blonde hair pulled back into a messy bun on the top of her head. I saw something peaking out of the back of her shirt, it looked like a tattoo, something I hadn't spotted before. We could hear what she was saying to Mara and Jacob, but Nora and Harvey were to busy making out to notice.

"How has Kenzie been doing on training you?" Mara asked, I wasn't supposed to be listening but it's hard not to when you know someone is talking about you. It's and urge you can't really contain, or at least my ears couldn't contain themselves.

"Strict." She looked strait at Mara, "But strict is how to put in habits, and habits are hard to be broken. And something that is uneasily broken is strong, and I want to be even stronger than I am now. So, he is a good teacher." I smiled as she looked a Jacob as he asked her his next question.

"Is anything happening between you two?" She had no hesitation when he finished.

"No. Work comes before emotions. Emotions become attachments." My smiled faded as she finished.

Nora looked at her and asked her; "Would you be able to act as though something is happening between you two on a side mission?"

"Definitely, he is easy to work with so I am sure that won't be an issue." She paused. "I just have to be careful around him, my grandmother told me, before I left; 'The greater something is that just means the greater the loss.' I don't want to lose him, no matter what our relationship is." I looked at her through the two way mirror in astonishment.

I need to hold on tight to her, she is something not to be lost.

They exited the two way mirrored room, and into the conference room. It had been 3 months since being back at base, those three months had consisted of hard training and lots of coffee walks which lead to running around the lakes around the house.

Gabriella was someone who you would give a second glance, her blonde hair was almost white. Her face like that of a dolls, blemish free. Her blue eyes, well you could get lost in them during conversation. And when she spoke it was kind, snarky at times, but always with a point.

Her strength was something that not many women had, her wisdom was that of an older woman. She was witty and I had no doubt that she could get out of any iffy situation without hesitation.

She smiled at me when we sat down at the conference room table. She sat next to me and her hand went to my knee, I placed her hand in mine. She looked at me and mouthed "get ready".

"So, a mission for both of the couples. You will both go with your partner and go through a simulation. Working together is key, trusting each other is what will keep you alive. Kenzie and Gabriella, these three months of training with each other should be enough. Nora and Harvey, nock our socks off."

Jacob stopped talking. Mara then continued. "Kenzie and Gabriella, you will take the car to this address, enter the building and will be guided to the simulation room. Good luck you two."

We both stood up and exited the base building, I entered the address into my phone and we drove off the the simulation. Gabriella looked out of the window, she looked so peaceful, as though she was worried about nothing. Before we left she had changed into her "tight black clothes".

Her hair had been pulled into a messy-bun on the top of her head. A gun was strapped around her leg in a holster and a knife by her gun. "You nervous?" I asked, her eyes peeling away from the window.

"Not really, I've become accustomed to people trying to kill me. It's what keeps me alive." Her voice was strong, not shaken. We reached the destination and entered the grey warehouse building. We were taken in by two men in all black, we were put into a room covered by green. The lights turned on and I felt Gabriella's hand in mine.

A man appeared and he pulled out a gun, I shot, hitting him in the heart, nocking him to the floor. A woman appeared and walked over to me, there was no gun. She kissed my cheek and then grabbed my gun out of my holster. Gabriella saw the shimmering metal in part of the light, the woman shot at her and missed.

Gabriella took her hand and got the gun out of her hand returning it to me. She hit her over the head with her gun knocking her to the floor. Three men walked out, one shot and hit me in the arm. The pain overtook me, although it was not a real bullet it hurt like hell.

Gabriella swung her leg at one of them knocking the man in the face, the other one was shot, both fell to the ground. Gabriella grabbed the last man and wrapped her arm around his throat.
All the lights came on and Jacob and Mara walked out.

"Nicely done you two. You were able to finish before Nora and Harley, you two are a good couple. I mean team." Mara finished and we walked out of the building all together. Our flight back to Italy left in an hour, Gabriella had a cut on her face but she didn't seem to notice. She looked over at me and smiled.

We got onto the plane and left the ground of London, she fell asleep. I opened up my phone and looked through pictures, missing the old life I had left. The people I loved left in the dust when selfishness had come over me. But now, I had a purpose, Gabriella made that possible.

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