Minefields ✔️

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My last chap for a while due to my exam but I promise to give you a good one pretty soon, I'm working on like 10 more one-shots which are different from each other atm and they'll be ready in no time if only I had enough time. It's just there is school going on and I haven't studied at least half of my syllabus and me having the BEST MOST STABLE MIND is helping me a lot, *notice the sarcasm*. Anygay, enjoy. 

Warnings: -Age gap

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Warnings: -Age gap


(Plz don't come to me telling this and that about this topic. Terrorism is BAD and IDC it's gonna offend religions, countries, races, and whatnot. If you believe in killing people to get the power or whatever is needed, then just so you know; fuck off to hell) 

                    -Mentioning of blood, wounds, and related.

-It's not THAT scary but yeah... 

3rd person POV 

He grunted as he felt a bullet graze his left leg. Clutching his teeth tighter, he shot the last opponent who shot him, till that bastard fell dead before falling to the ground himself; coughing his guts out till he felt blood in his mouth although nothing came out. He knew he is the last man standing on his team, all the others died. All of them. 

He needs to get out, he knew that for a fact. He needs to find a walky-talky so that he can get help from the nearest main station to this abundant island which is currently stuck; shot, wounded, and utterly exhausted. 

With another sigh, he got up on his feet knowing that laying down here wouldn't do shit to save him unless he gets some help ASAP. Sweat beads trickled down his body, letting the saltiness feel in his wounds making them stinge more than they already were as he limped out from the terrorist camp. 

He looked at the sky which was painted in lighter shades of pink and orange as the sun passed the horizon easily; letting the world get covered with blinking stars filled blanket of dark night. He was slowly making his way through the terrorist camp when he heard a whimper coming from one of the tents making him check his gun to see how many bullets were remaining in it before he needs to use another set. 

Two. He had two more bullets which made him sigh in quite of relief before making his way quietly and cautiously as much as possible with his wounded self. He peaked his head inside; nothing. It was a tent with a bed, a small table, a dead body of a commander in the terrorist camp, and a cage- 

A cage? 

He made his way inside to witness a boy who is so skinny and half naked trembling and whimpering inside a dog cage with his hands tied rather painfully with a rope, letting tears fall down from his big doe eyes as he scooted away from the approaching stranger to the end of the tiny cage which can't possibly be a comfortable place for a human. 

Looking at the state of the boy who is in a cage he could only conclude one thing; he is innocent.

Taehyung's eyes widen as he saw the boy who can't definitely be older than 19 or something was having a hard time breathing as his terrified eyes roamed everywhere in a panic. He quickly dropped his gun to the ground and lifted his hands letting the doe-eyed boy that he will not harm him. 

"Hey hey hey... It's okay. I won't harm you. Calm down." He told as softly as possible with his gruff voice which was abused for six years in the military. But the boy only panicked and started to breathe faster and shallower. 

"Listen, listen... I'm not gonna harm you. Please, breathe with me. In and out. Come on. In and out." For the next five minutes, Taehyung helped the boy calm down his breathing. 

"Yes. Well done. Are you calmed down now? Do you know where is the key to this lock?" He asked the boy referring to the lock of the cage. Boy did not answer for a while before shaking his head 'no'. Taehyung sighed. 

"It's okay. I'll rescue you. I'm from the Korean military, captain Kim Taehyung of the team Scorpio." Taehyung said and the skinny boy just blinked at him. Traumatized; Taehyung mentally ticked. 

(Team name credit goes to author's mom) 

"I'm gonna rescue you okay? I promise I will not harm you or let anyone harm you. You can trust me, I promise. I have to get you out, ok? Since there is no key, I'll shoot the lock and break it, Can I?" He asked. After a few seconds, the boy gave him a nod. Taehyung shot him a reassuring smile. 
"Don't worry, there will be no mistakes. I'm a professional shooter." He told and in a blink, he shot the lock; opening it. 

The boy flinched badly with a whimper. Taehyung open the door of the cage and crouched down in front of it with a good distance between him and the boy. 

"Hey. Can you come out? It's okay." He said. The boy slowly stumbled out and Taehyung quickly hugged the crying boy. 

"T-thank y-you." He muttered as he clutched Taehyung's jacket with his tied hands, relaxing in the soldiers' embrace. 

"It's okay. You are fine now. Everything will be fine." Taehyung hugged the boy tighter, softly patting the boy's back. Some unknown feelings to protect the boy from everything at all cost grow deep-rooted within Taehyung's usually stone-cold heart.

After the boy calmed down from crying, Taehyung removed his soldier jacket and put it over the half-naked boy's shoulders. The boy examined Taehyung with grateful eyes. 

"Jungkook. My name." He whispered. Taehyung flashed a smile at the boy.

"Nice to meet you, Jungkook." He said. Then he softly took Jungkook's hands on his and removed the ropes off his hands which had already wounded his delicate soft hands. 

"Let's get out of here, yeah?" He said. Jungkook smiled and gave him a nod. But all those crouching down and abrupt standing up only made Taehyung hiss making the latter frown and look down at the bleeding wound. 

"You are bleeding." He said. His voice was merely above a whisper. 

"It's fine-" Taehyung was cut off by the boy. "Shut up." He hissed out the words, making Taehyung flinch, and stood up to get the first aid box. Taehyung let out a chuckle at the boy's sudden personality change.

"Can you please sit down on the bed? Let me help you, please." Alright, the shy boy is back. Taehyung understood the fact that Jungkook wanted to repay him. So, he just obeyed the boy and sat down on the bed. 

Jungkook crouched down in front of him. Taehyung must say, the boy looked adorable with his shiny doe eyes in his jacket. Jungkook lifted the trouser a little to approach the wound and cringed at the nasty-looking wound. 

"It's not deep, thank god." The boy muttered to himself though Taehyung heard the soft voice. Nevertheless, Taehyung's admiring the beauty of Jungkook only lasted until Jungkook poured disinfectants over his wound making him hiss out at the abrupt action.  

"Sorry." Jungkook meekly replied to which Taehyung gave a nod. After wrapping up the wound Jungkook stood up. 

"Thank you Jungkook." He said. Jungkook for the first time offered him a proper soft smile. 

"Don't say that sir, I'm the one who is thankful." He said. But Taehyung was quick to shut him up.

"Taehyung, call me Taehyung." 


Word count: 1216

Q. Your dream country/destination? 

-Author: UK and France

Part II is there!!
It was getting long and I didn't want to make long chapters exceeding 1000 words. 

Anyway, drop your thoughts! 

For those who had a long day of studying and for those who need the inspiration to study (it can be any field) Watch this video below. I cried while watching that because I personally felt like they spoke my mind and the words I needed to hear the most from someone than keep repeating them to myself again and again like a broken recorder rather pathetically. 

Fighting everyone! 


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