(3) She's Got Me

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takes place during s1. will never missing & hopper never quit daytime drinking.

    "Have a good day at school, sweetie," Joyce planted a kiss on her youngest child's forehead. "Learn lots and be super safe, remember, don't walk out of the school until you see my car!" Will nodded as his mother repeated the same phrase daily, she'd become a total helicopter parent ever since the mysterious disappearance of Troy Walsh. He truly didn't think she could be more protective and overbearing than she'd always behaved, but his mom was full of surprises.

    "I know mom," Will obeyed, smiling as he side-hugged his mother. "I'm always safe, I promise," he reassured her, gently squeezing her hand. "You know they found Troy, right? It's over." He shrugged, recalling their local news stations' announcement. Walsh's body, discovered by state cop O'Bannon claimed that upon patrolling his routine route he had caught eye of something in the water of Sattler Quarry. His body was bloated, discolored, and was beginning to decompose; his death was ruled an accidental suicide.

    On November 6th, twelve-year-old Anthony Walsh was returning home from hanging out with his peer, James Dante. Troy, as he most often referred to, was deemed a mischievous boy by teachers, classmates, and family. It is believed that he detoured from his original route, wandering off to the quarry where he may have fallen in or decided to take a swim before tragedy struck. Walsh, unable to escape the conditions, drowned and was discovered by state trooper David O'Bannon.

    The radio's report was on a loop in Will's head, it all seemed weird regardless of his intense desire to ignore it. Troy bullied Will mercilessly, directing most of his slurs and insults toward the smallest member of the party. Despite his nature of obnoxious, crude behavior; his bully wasn't an idiot. Will couldn't fathom Troy, or anyone for that matter, opting for a late night swim during late hours of a very chilly November evening.

     "I know, they decided it was an accident and everything, but still; I worry." Joyce replied sheepishly, realizing how much of a cosseter she'd become.

    "It's okay," Will squeezed her hand one more time to soothe her nerves; her boys were truly a blessing. "I won't come out until I see you, promise, love you mom." With that, Will bolted out the car and was jogging toward Mike, Lucas, and Dustin who were locking their bikes up.

    Joyce yawned as she attempted to rub her face in attempt to rid herself of the grogginess. She decided some hot tea and a catnap would suffice for her day-off-from-work relaxation. However, someone else had disagreed as she heard the house phone chimed before she could even boil water. "Ms. Byers?" the soft but stern voice of a woman lingered on the other line.

    "F-Flo?" She stuttered, unsure if the station's secretary was the one ringing her. Though, it did sound like her voice. "Is that you?" Joyce asked.

    "Unfortunately," she sighed which Joyce took as a clear sign of distress. "I know, early on Monday morning and your day off." She could hear the older woman's sympathetic tone and smiled softly.

    Joyce's sense of appreciation quickly shifted to concern, why would Florence be calling? She appeared guilty as another sigh escaped the secretary's lips. "What is it, Flo?" Joyce snapped, worry and frustration laced in her words.

    Another sigh. "It's Jim," that's all Joyce had to hear to put the pieces to the puzzle together. "Another bad day." Florence spoke solemnly, that Jim Hopper was almost like a son to her and it broke her heart when his bad habits would return at full force.

    "It's December," Joyce stated simply without further explanation. Flo didn't require one. "I'm on my way," with that, Joyce abruptly hung up the phone.

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