Missing her

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Max's POV:
Ugh, here we go again having to get out from my bed, eat, change and go to school I hated school enough but now seeing people talking about their big brothers or their bsf makes it 100% worse because in a month I lost both, yeah I hated billy but sometimes I wished we had a better relationship, be better siblings but that day never came...gosh am doing a monologue again... hopefully El has better experiences on her new highschool,she probably even have new friends...better friends...

El's POV:
School sucks, am getting bullied I am failing and I embarrassed myself in front of everyone when I tried to use my powers, honestly what did I expect?To magicly come back?Not to mention that if I did work EVERYBODY will knew about me and then we have to move make someone cover up the hole thing and boom new school new everything...I hate this so so much...I miss my friends, I miss Max, she was there for me when I needed and her and when I didn't she would probably have destroy Angela the second she knew about it but I can't tell her that she would be worried about me and she has other things on her mind right now

Nobody's POV
The two girls after finishing school went home, layed in bed while staring at the ceiling spaced out in their own thoughts...they missed eachother,they needed eachother.
Max realized she was late to call El when she broke out from her thoughs and quickly run to the phone.

El's POV:
The phone started ringing and El literally run to get it, the first thing she said was "Max?" "Yeah it's me" she answered..."sorry for calling a bit late, I came late from school" she continued, "Don't worry about it, it's fine" El answered, after of a 20 minutes call catching up to (mostly) fake news, both of them (and probably the hole house) heard Joyce saying that she needs the phone for work, the said their goodbyes and then she felt empty again... alone...
What is happening?she thought, is it normal missing her THAT much?More than Mike?Is it normal felling how I felt a while ago for my bf?Can girls like girls?Can people like both?So many questions but with no answers, she knew she had to ask someone that probably knows

WHEN SHE REALIZED | ELMAXWhere stories live. Discover now