The Spring Brake

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Nobody's POV:

It's been a "good" 6-7 months, Max and El have been calling eachother, Mike has been sending letters to both of the Byers siblings,more to El but Will was still happy about getting a letter even once in a while. Everything has been going perfect someone who doesn't know what is happening to the girls life would say. Eleven, Will and Jonathan were getting ready to pick up Mike and Max from that airport, the boys were putting bets with eachother about the max and Mike fighting the whole flight and being annoyed by eachother while El was trying to convince them and herself that they will have get along...only if she knew...

Eleven's POV:

We were getting ready and putting everything in place since Max and Mike were coming over for the spiring brake, I missed both of them so much, don't get me wrong I wanted to see Lucas and Dustin to but sadly they weren't able to come...
"Is everyone ready? I heard Jonathan shout "yes, we are" Will shouted back, we got to Argyle's van and drove to the airport, we sitted down and waited for them...we waited 5 minutes but they felt like ages, Mike came and gave me a hug and a kiss, his hug with Will was a bit akward for some reason... anyways I hugged Max and then se hugged Will
"How was your flight?" Will asked
"It would be better if Mike wasn't with me" Max replied, Will laughed and Mike rolled his eyes "You mean If you weren't with me" he said "Whatever, nerd" Max said and Mike acted offended they laughed a bit and then start walking out to go to the van, "where are we going to go?" Max asked "A roller skating place" I replied "Awesome"  Max said excitedly and I smiled at her.

A bit later...

Things were going smooth and nice, we skated a bit and then sited to get a drink and some fries and then Angela showed up...
"look who we have here" she said, Max already gave her a death stare for some reason but at the moment I was so scared that I didn't pay much attention to it, Angela looks over at Mike and goes "Where have you been hiding this cutie?" I stayed silence for a bit and I replied "That's my boyfriend,Mike and he doesn't live here" Mike gave her his hand and then they did handshake "It's nice meeting Jane's friends" she looked at me, knowing really well that I lied to Mike to about having friends here.
"C'mon, let's go to skate" she said to me
I tried to refuse but she took my hand and we went to the rink

Max's POV:

Everything was good for a while until that girl showed up, El started acting weird and I could see through her face that she was scared, I don't know, Mike said that her and El are why it doesn't seem like it?Then see took her to stake, Will got up and looked worried so I asked "Will, is everything okay?" "no, El has lied to both of you, she is in trouble and this is definitely not good" he said, Mike and I also got up "What kind of trouble?" Mike asked and then the music changed and people started circling El, oh no I thought, Mike and Will runned to stop the music and I runned to the rink to get El the fuck out of there, I could here them say bad stuff about her and she closed her ears, before that random guy spilled the drink on her I grabbed it and I threw it on him, El looked at me in shock "Mess with her again and I am going to break your hands" I said and the music stopped, while everybody was looking at me, I didn't notice that El was gone...
Five minutes later
Mike and Will were arguing and El was nowhere to be seen, I was so worried and I had this two idiots fighting instead of trying to find her so I dropped them and I went to find her, it's not like they will notice that am gone...
Some minutes later I spotted her talking with that b!tch again so I went there
"I w-want you to a-apologize and t-tell to my f-riends and b-boyfriend t-that it w-as a j-joke" El said with many voice cranks and stuttering
"And why should I do that?Are you going to look at me with your mean stare again?" She said and her whole group started laughing and then walked away..
"Ja-" I tried but she took a skate from a random kid and started walking towards Angela, I quickly runned behind her and then she shouted "Angela!" the girl turned around and Eleven hitted straight in the bone with the skate, she fell to the ground bleeding while me and El were just standing there staring...and then we heard Mike
"Oh my god, Jane, what did you do?"

Hii! It's been a while, sorry for the late updates, school is actually killing me!

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