I want her

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Max's POV:
Jonathan with Argyle came to pick us up, they were both stoned but Argyle was better so he could drive, we arrived to the Byers house, changed and sat for dinner...and then they said something about Alaska I didn't quite understand it seemed a bit fake to be honest but it didn't really matter at the moment.
"El, are you okay?" Joyce asked
"Am fine" she said
"You didn't look fine" Mike replied and I got pissed, El looked at him punched the table stood up and left really angry
"Seriously, Mike?" I asked also clearly mad he looked at me with a black expression,
"You are such a d!ck" I said and everyone gasped. Mike tried to say something but I just stood up and left to go to El.

I knocked the door, "Leave, Mike" she said and I replied with "It's Max" I heard her through the door standing up and some seconds later the door Infront of me opened, hear eyes full with tears, "come in" she said and we both went inside.
"Im so sorry, Mike was being an asshole like always" I said, she sitted down and said "Maybe he is right", "he is not!You did what should, she deserved it!" I said angrily, "You think so?" She said looking at me, I sitted down next to her, I hugged her "I do" I said calmy, she gave me a light smile, hugged me back and hidden her head on my neck, just laying there.

Eleven's POV:
I tooked my head out of her neck and I looked at her, one of the more intense eye contact I ever had with an actual person.
"You should dump his ass, again" she said, I gave a small laugh and replied with "I think you are right", she stood there a bit shocked "Really?" she goes, "I don't feel like our relationship works anymore" I said more serious this time...and it's true it didn't feel like it, it never did.
"If that's how you feel, then do it...he will get over it" she tried to ensure me
"Can you stay in my room tonight?"
"Yeah, of course we can recreate our first sleepover" she smiled
"I have some comics that we can read" I replied happily

Nobody's POV:
The girls, readed comics, had a pillow fight, talked about stuff like actually opened up about what was happening in their life's and for the first time after a long time they felt alright...some hours later they headed to sleep, in the middle of the night in their sleep they also cuddled.

Extremely small chapter but I was thinking I should continue this story what y'all think?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 06, 2023 ⏰

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