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Nobody's POV:

The whole thing of El questioning her feelings for Mike and slowly realizing that she might not liking him anymore in a romantic way but liking Max instead has been going on for around two months, she is too scared to ask anyone about it because she doesn't know if she is supposed to like other girls in that way and even if she does, how is she going to break up with him?She can't. Meanwhile Max has broke up with Lucas when she realized that she is a lesbian, she didn't told him or anyone else because she obviously knows the homophobia she will have to deal with it, there's is only one thing she is unsure of...

...Does she like her Best friend?

The answer was simple and she knew it but she couldn't admit it, El is dating Mike she is probably straight and she doesn't want to ruin their friendship or her happiness. It's been two months and she is doing pretty good Job at hiding it so she decided to keep it that way.

Max's POV:

Weekend finally, the boys wanted to rent a movie from the video club and watch since the know but I wasn't quite sure if I wanted to sit in the same room with Mike, we all know we have our differences

"C'mon Max!It will be fun" Dustin said

"Yeah! You can choose the movie if you don't think we are going to choose a good one" Lucas added

"You obviously aren't going to choose a good one, you are probably want to watch Ghostbusters or something" I said

"Ghostbusters is a great movie!You just don't have taste" Mike complained

"Or you are just stuck on where you were 5 and the movie seemed cool" I continued

"oh god, here we go again" Dustin said

"You are just trying to be different since everybody likes it" Mike argued

"Guys, calm down!" Lucas said trying to make them shut up but miserable failed

"Am not trying to be different!I have just grown and I know that ghost's don't exist, not to mention that people who still like it have no taste" Max replied completely ingoring Luca's attempt to calm them down

"We have seen monster's from another dimension and you don't believe in ghosts? -Mike

"He has a point" -Dustin

"Well if you put it like that" -Lucas

Max though of it for a moment and then just rolled her eyes and goes "Am still chosing the movie" Dustin and Lucas nodded and Mike just rolled his eyes.

Eleven's POV:

I have been laying on my bed doing nothing for the past hour, they only thing I can think of is that I need answers and I can't get them from Joyce or Jonathan, she is too busy with work and he is really high or outside mostly so they only person I can think of is Will...he will know right? There's is only way to found out

I knocked on his door and I heard him say that I came in

"Hi" I said

"Hello!" He said with a smile

"You are drawing?" I asked

"Yeah, but you know" he replied

"Yeah, yeah, you can't show me" I said faking being annoyed

"Sorry, anyways do you need anything or just came to hangout?" He asked

I froze for a bit and took a deep breath and then I asked "Can girls like girls?" he stood there, shocked and confused after some seconds that felt like ages he said "Yes, people can like the same gender as them, it's possible but they are people who are are not very accepting about it...why?"

"I think I like Max" I blurred out and Will froze once again

"What about Mike?" he questioned

"I honestly don't know, I don't feel the same and I know he doesn't either, I don't know if he ever did to be honest" I said

"What do you mean?"

"Am not blind Will, I knew something was off about him while he was kissing me or hanging out with me like he was trying to convince himself about something and know that I know, am pretty sure he doesn't like girls"

"Wha-, no he would have told me, am his best friend"

"I don't know"

"Okay...what are you going to do with Max?"

"I don't know, I don't think she likes girls"

"Ask her, she would tell you"

"She could lie about it"

"Friends don't lie, remember?"

I laughed and then smiled at him,we sitted on his room listening to music and telling eachother stupid jokes or playing boardgames for a couple hours, I was convinced that I will ask Max about it but not today, today am going to  the day with my brother, just chilling in his room.

Sorry for not posting, I was rewriting my exams (yes, I failed the first time) and I didn't have time since I needed to study, I got the results today for anyone who might care I passed! Anyways what do you think of this chapter?

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