The phone call

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Eleven's POV:
Next day and the last day of the weekend. Am really sad about it since I have to go to school again and there will be Angela but let's not think about that right now, I don't want to ruin my mood. Yesterday it was really fun, after the board games and everything we went downstairs and ate and talk all together expect Jonathan, he went asleep early since he was stoned once again. I went down and ate breakfast and waited patiently Max to call, I am going to ask her about it.

"El" I heard Will going
"Yeah?" I answered and he handed me a letter "from Mike" he goes and I took it, I stared at it for a moment and I lifted my head up and I asked "Do you have one?" "No" he said quietly and his smile faded a bit "You know, you can always call him" I said and he looked at me "Yeah but I don't think he wants to, if I he did maybe he would have write a letter or call first" I looked at him with the be serious look "Maybe he waits for you, you know Mike he is a bit shy even if he doesn't admit it" Will gave me a slight smile "I will call him, after you are done with Max" he goes and sitted next to me "are you going to ask her?" he added "I think so, yeah" I replied "And what is going to happen after?Have you though about it?" I stayed silent for the moment, realizing that even if Max doesn't like girls I can't stay with Mike since I don't like him anymore. Joyce interrupted my thoughts and the conversation "I was thinking since I have a day off work, maybe we could go and do something all together" Will answered first "That sounds really fun mum" and smiled "Yeah that would be nice, is Jonathan going to come?" I asked "I think so, yeah" she replied and I smiled, some seconds later the phone ringed and I runned to it and picked it up "Max?"

Max's POV:
After some time to wake myself up and eat I called El since Joyce is not working today I could called when I wanted to, some seconds later, El picked it up and I heard say "Max?" "Yep it's me" I answered "Did I woke you up?" I added "No, not at all, I have been awake for a while" she said with the sweetest voice that made my stomach feel butterflies "Nice, how was your day so far?" I asked "It was really good, I ate and in a bit we are going to go out all together" she said really excited "That's sounds nice!Have fun" I replied trying to match her energy "Yeah it really is" she said and then I heard her voice became a bit more serious, "Max, can I ask you something?" I froze for some seconds and then I answered "Yes, of course what is it?" "Do you like girls?In a romantic way" I felt knees giving me up, my breath getting heavier and the stress coming up for no reason and I finally answered "Why do you ask that?" she was the one who took some time to reply now "I just learned that is possible some days ago and i just figured out I could ask" makes sense, I said to myself "Yeah, are you okay with it?" I literally froze and the seconds she took to reply felt like ages "Yeah, of course I don't understand why people are not okay with it" I sighed at relief "Are you okay?" she asked "Yeah am fine" I said "you?" I added "Yeah, am good" and this was the moment I realized that we are both lying.
"Max, I have to go Will needs to call Mike before we leave and I have to read his letter" she said "Of course, have fun at your walk" I replied "Thank you, goodbye" "Goodbye" and we closed the phone.

To be honest, I was kinda confused of how she founded out the whole homosexuality thing, maybe Will finally came out but not really possible you know him.

Soo obviously for the purpose of the story Max is going to California with Mike and then the plot goes kinda the same even tho am not sure who I will curse on Hawkins yet, any ideas? Also I hope you enjoyed this chapter! <3

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