Come Back To Me

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Ever since the arms dealer mission, Natasha has been calling me every night. We usually talk about what happened in our day. We still haven’t said what agency we work for, but I'm okay with that. Another thing is that we can only talk for fifteen seconds each. One day she talks, the next day I talk. We can’t afford the consequences if either one of us gets caught doing this. One thing I know for sure though: I've been happier lately. 

My missions are going faster, I'm not being sloppy about anything, and I’m lighter on my co-workers. I also know that Natasha travels all around the world, killing people for her agency. She also knows that I'm doing the same thing. We both know that we are dangerous to each other and to our agency. But why can’t either of us be selfish about this one thing?

We both have to follow orders, her more strictly than me. We both have to fall in line no matter what. Both of us know that when the other’s work get’s bad and shit goes down, we’ll meet up. But so far that hasn’t been needed yet. We also know that if we are ever pitted against each other we have to make it look real. We have to make it look like we’re actually trying to kill each other. I mean I wouldn’t mind testing out my skills on her. But I wouldn’t be willing to try and kill her in the process.


More time passed again, nine months to be exact. At first we started talking, same as usual. But a couple months in she stopped calling. I was getting worried, but initially I couldn't. I had no right to worry about her. We never actually finalized if we were each other's girlfriends. I had to trust her. I had to know that she was okay. 

After she finally stopped calling I gave up too. So, it was back to being my grumpy old self. I kept quiet, I still did my missions fast, I still kept them clean, but I was being a dick to my co-works now.

Never mind that though. With being kept busy being on missions, and being undercover most of the time, I never realized that I’ve known Natasha now for a year. I couldn’t be happier at the thought, but I haven’t been able to talk to her for three months. Granted I was on a very important mission that had my own life on the line. I couldn’t afford distractions. 

When I completed my mission I headed straight home to tell Fury what I found. It wasn’t good or bad. It was mainly bad for us, more or less me though. This mission was related to the one my parents died on. I kept thinking over and over again if these are the same people that killed my parents. I kept thinking if they recognized me. I look a lot like my mother. But in the end I made it out okay. 

“I have something new for you.” Fury said to me, walking behind his desk and pulling out a file, think one.

“What is it?” I ask before opening the file. The first page was an analysis of Natasha. Natalia Alianovna Romanova. She was labeled as deadly and not to interfere with. The joke is I already did. Luckily I kept my cool in front of Fury.

“I need you to take her down. She’s causing too much trouble and it’s bringing attention to us. Quite frankly when she’s not even part of the organization. She’s from a program called The Red Room. They’re highly trained assassins. They’re like human robots. Essentially they’re like you, only they have no control over their body.” Fury finished describing to me the horror that I never want to be in. But Natasha was already in it.

I guess the second time I saw her they started to take over her mind. She just needed to be brought back by me.

“Sorry to do this sir, but I can’t kill this woman.” I hold the file out to him, but he pushes it back to me.

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