Chapter 9: Photoshoot

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I was already fitted in my dress and was waiting for Sehun to finish dressing. When he walked out of the dressing room, we walked, holding hands, towards a lake where the shoot was set.

"Alright!" The photographer clapped his hands together. "The concept for this shoot is black and white. That's why Sehun is wearing all black and you're wearing all white." I looked over at Sehun, I noticed that he was wearing all black, but I didn't really question it.

"You look beautiful, by the way." Sehun gave my hand a small squeeze.

"You look really handsome, as well." I smiled up at him. Together, we walked to the photo shoot site. There, waiting, for us, was a sheet just large enough to fit the both of us. One half was covered with white rose petals, the other was covered in black rose petals.

"XiaoYi, lay on the white petals. Sehun, lay on the black petals." He gestured to both sides, and then to us.

The fact that my hair was dark, and Sehun's was a slight gray worked out quite well. We followed his instructions and did as told.

"I also want you to hold hands across the line separating the colors." He motioned for us to move into position.

"Here," He held out his hand to me after we laid down. I blushed a little, and I couldn't look at him straight.

"XiaoYi, please look at Sehun." I slowly looked at Sehun. "Good! Now I want you to get closer. Close enough to touch foreheads."

"Ok..." Sehun was the first to get to the line that divides the roses. I moved closer to match him.

"Closer... closer... closer!" He kept telling as we moved closer, inch by inch. We were millimeters away from touching. "Closer!"

We finally came close enough and our foreheads touched. I couldn't look at him so I was staring at the petals. Subtly, Sehun slid his hand over mine and look into my eyes. I couldn't help but look into his. He smiled his shy little eye smile and I smiled with my cheeks blushing.

We separated for a couple of individual shots. I couldn't keep a straight face for very long because Sehun was making funny faces at me behind the camera. Each time we separated for individual shoots, I couldn't believe how attractive Sehun looked.

Interview: XiaoYi

"I've done photo shoots before, but none of them made my heart go 'thump,' you know? It was a sweet feeling. He told me that I looked pretty, and the fact that we were so close made me a blush so much."

After a couple of shots, we moved inside. He never let go of my hand, until we had to part to change our clothes and makeup. This time he was wearing white and I was black. I was basically in a white camisole, a black leather, a pair of high-waisted shorts, fishnet tights, and black combat boots. Sehun, the exact opposite, was wearing a white button up, white skinnies, and white dress shoes.

"We're going to base this part of the shoot on these photos." He gestured to a poster covered with photos of models in various poses, specifically at one photo.

"I'm going to pin him against a wall?!"

"Well, it's not really pinning. It is just a pose."

"Alright..." We walked towards the wall they had pointed at and stood there. Sehun leaned against the wall, as I moved closer to him.

"XiaoYi, I want you to put your hand on both sides of him and one leg in between his."

"Why does this sound so sensual?!" I was blushing madly.

"It's just photoshoot. Remember?" He looked through the camera again, and I slowly moved into position. "please, look at him closely, as if you're analyzing him."

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