menses (16)

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Ask:Aizawa menses

Shota taking care of an s/o who has terrible menstrual cramps? I have such terrible ones to the point I vomit, can't breathe or have endless headaches 💔

Yikes! Just think that's a sign how your body will be pregnant in some ways. The cramps are practice for pregnancy. Bet you just wanted to hear that one.

•Right off the bat and Sota is not much for snacking in the bed but when that time, which sounds like a ton of bricks. It Has a mini fridge so water and healthy snacks are available without walking to the kitchen.

•Love Tea? Cocoa? A one burner hot plate for heating water. Of course water is in the fridge.

•Speaking of stocked, he has it all stocked for two months in a row. Pads (some can't handle a tampon), tampons and pain relievers. If prescribed, he checks how many doses are left each time.

•You love the fact he has a jacuzzi tub for soaking aching muscles. He makes sure if you need epsom soaks with lavender is at your fingertips

•A large heating pad, not those little rinky dink ones..

•massages to the small of your back especially.

•Sometimes a birth control pill or arm implant can help and it means two bases cover things. The implant can stop your period from coming at all. But he would never force you. Sometimes these only make things worse.

•Anything herb that helps....

•Sometimes he still has to work but will switch patrolling with Hizashi or another. It will take a couple nights off.

•Sometimes he doesn't know what to do so holds you to his side as his long fingers run through your hair along the scalp.

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