Chapter One: On Edge

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The sound of the heart rate monitor filled the silence of the hospital room, the dim light shining vaguely on the girl that rested on the bed. Her breathing was brief, stiff as her lungs were  holding on. Max was holding on unlike Hawkins itself.

Hawkins was crumbling. It was, for the most part, rather lifeless. Hardly any people were left in town, the once safe city was now known as the most dangerous in America. The streets no longer bustled with cars, no longer dealt with rampaging children and teens that ran around carelessly.

The only noise, the only life, that resided in Hawkins were the few whose houses did not fall in the rifts that opened in the earth as well as those individuals who couldn't afford the move. The animals stayed too, in the woods though. But for the most part, almost everyone left. Bundles of families drove out of Hawkins with the intention to never return.

Hawkins was inhabitable. 

Although many people left, there was still enough to keep the economy of the town running, to keep it thriving faintly while the openings in the ground threatened their lives as they began to coexist with the changing environment the Upside Down brought into the once peaceful town of Hawkins.


"Ugh! I just want to hold her again, her hand against mine - my eyes staring into hers," Lucas paced around Mike's basement, his feet stomping a bit harshly on the floor as he huffed out a heavy breath. His fists were clenched, face a little red due to his quickened, worrisome breaths.

"Lucas, relax." Dustin got up from the couch, stopping Lucas. He placed his hand on Lucas's shoulder, and he smiled, "Max wouldn't want you worrying so much, now would she?"

Lucas pursed his lips, furrowing his brows, and his shoulders slumped. He sighed, "No, she wouldn't… but it's been three weeks-."

"Let's play a game of D&D to destress, don't you think?" Will asked. He was dusting off the table, getting ready to put the items in place - he had prepared a campaign while they, he and Eleven, were in Lenora.

"Will." Mike glanced over to the other. "I don't think Lucas is… is in the mood." He looked away from Will, watching Lucas fret anxiously.

Will opened his mouth to speak, but he bit down on his bottom lip. "Right. Sorry." He pulled out a chair and took a seat, heaving out a breath. A small shudder crawled up his spine, feeling a tingle nestle at the back of his neck. He felt something press against his ribs, but he forced out an exhale. "Everything's fine," he murmured to himself while closing his eyes, wanting to distract himself from Lucas's and Mike's bickering about girls.

Rather focused in his thoughts, Will was soon able to block out any outside sounds—such as the voices of his friends. Although he was able to do this, it still didn't  block out the creak of the floorboards from the stairs.


Will opened his eyes, seeing his older brother at the last stair - watching as Nancy trotted down the stairs right behind him. He looked at Mike, Lucas, and Dustin - soon Eleven as she came rushing down the stairs and squeezed past Jonathan and Nancy.

"Yeah?" Mike stood.

Nancy's lips curved upwards, "Max's mom called."

Lucas got up quickly, his breath caught in his throat, "What did she say??" He leaned forward a bit, eyes wide. He could feel his heart thwacking his chest rigorously.

Jonathan and Nancy looked at one another, and for a second, Will felt the tingle on his nape crawl a bit faster, colder.  He also stood.

Soon, Jonathan and Nancy looked at the others. "Max opened her eyes," Nancy said.

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