Chapter Ten: Any Hope?

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Everyone was upstairs, which evidently led to Mike finally coming up. He slowly made his way to the circle, and he caught snippets of the commotion. Max's voice, Steve's voice, and Jonathan's voice were the main people he heard, but he couldn't help but notice Will opening his mouth to speak only to close it soon after. He sighed, walking over with Eleven.

"Will," Eleven whispered and gently tugged the sleeve of his shirt. "What's wrong?" She looked at him with worrisome eyes, her fingers keeping a hold of his shirt's fabric.

"Yeah," Mike breathed out, pulling his arm away from El. "What's wrong?" His lips were parted, red from the chilly weather that was settling in Hawkins.  His hand rested on Will's shoulder, and he looked deep into his eyes. "What are they all talking about?"

Will's breath stiffened as he finally looked at Mike. "It's Haydn, Mike." His voice was raspy, dread nestling at the top of his mouth and trickling down his throat. "He's missing."

Mike was caught off guard, and he looked at El with wide eyes, soon looking at Will. His lips curved up a little, a small chuckle escaped his lips. "What...? How? That's- That's ridiculous, surely?" His eyebrows were tightly knit together as he kept his gaze on Will. "Will?"

Will only sighed and looked away, crossing his arms over his chest. "I wish it wasn't true."

Mike felt something jab into his chest as he saw his best friend express such worry over someone he disliked. Although he wasn't on good terms with Haydn, he knew Will cared deeply for him. It hurt him to see Will in such a way, yet he was also pleased to see the other gone. The more he thought about it, he realized it wasn't so great. He felt bad, sickened by himself for thinking such things of glee.

A cloud hovered over Mike, and he sighed, looking at Eleven. "El, come with me." He grabbed her hand and led her down, leaving Will alone to listen to the others as they planned their course of action.

Will stood there, soon feeling Miya stand beside him.

"Do you think he's okay?" Miya asked softly, her head tilted down as she bore no expression. Her eyes were dimmed - hardly any life thriving within her irises. Her hands were clenched, shoulders tensed.

"Honestly," Will muttered. "I don't know. I... I can only hope." He laughed weakly, bringing his hand up to his hair as he pushed it out of his face. "Only... hope." He could feel Miya's eyes burn into his side, but he refused to meet her eyes. He felt unsafe, that trickling sensation once again crawling along his skin. He let out a heavy breath, "I'm going to go see what Mike and El are up to."


Will stopped in place, seeing Max at his other side. Everything was tingling, causing a numbing sensation to surge. His eyes flickered rapidly from Max to Miya. Being trapped between the two made him feel so on edge, as if he was on tightrope and was battling for his life. "Yes, Max?"

"I was wondering if we could talk things out." Max's hands were behind her back. "I-I know you're upset with me, but I want to fix things somehow-."

"I-I don't know, Max. Right now is not the time..."

"Hey," Robin came over and slung her arm around Will, glancing at Miya and Max. "Mind if I borrow him for a bit?"

Miya and Max only stared, but Max only huffed and nodded.

"Great," Robin pulled Will away by his arm. As she dragged him away, she noticed Lucas following them.


"Mike, you want me to search for Haydn, right?" Eleven held his hands tightly, searching deep into his eyes what caused this change in thought.

Mike held in a breath, eventually letting out, and he turned away - nodding reluctantly. "It- It pains me, y'know?" He looked at El. "I don't like seeing Will so... so upset."

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