Chapter 4: Impressing Her

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I really hope you guys like the story so far!

(Y/n's POV)

We caught up to Mikeala with the rev of the engine.

"Sam, nows your chance!" I said.

"Mikaela! It's Sam! Witwicky?" Sam called out to her. I think I caught him almost staring at her exposed stomach and hips as she walked.

"I hope I didn't get you stranded or anything. You sure?" Oh God, he already sounds like a moron. "So, listen, I was wondering if I could ride you home. I mean- give you a ride home in my car, to your house." Mikeala then stopped and Sam opened the door for her, and she hopped in. I stayed quiet in the back. "There you go."

We started driving down the street and the silence got to us. In a very awkward way, I cleared my throat. Mikeala noticed me and smiled from the front seat and I smiled back with a wave.

"So... uh..." Sam didn't really know what to say. I mean, he's never really been much of a "pick me up" type of guy. Fact, he never really had a girlfriend in his entire life.

"I can't believe that I'm here right now." Mikeala said, looking out the window.

Sam looked at her then back at the road.

"You can duck down if you want. I mean, it won't hurt my feelings," he said.

"Oh, no, no, no. I didn't mean- I didn't mean here with you. I just meant here, like, in this situation." Mikeala stuttered with a smile towards him

"Oh." Sam responded.

"What kind of situation?" I asked.

"This same situation that I'm always in. 'Cause, I don't know, I guess I just have a weakness for hot guys, for, for tight abs and really big arms." Mikeala replied.

I looked at Sam, knowing what he might do.

"Big arms?" Sam asked, and then brought his arm up. "Well, uh, there's a couple new additions in the car. Like, I just put in that light there." Sam flexed his bicep next to Mikeala, and pointed to the light. Then he pointed go the disco ball on the mirror. "And that disco ball. And so the light reflects off the disco ball."

Smooth Sam...real smooth.

"Oh." Mikeala repsonded.


This should play out okay.

"Are you... are you two new to school? This year? This your first year?" Mikeala asked.
"Oh, no. No. We've been in the same school since first grade." Sam said.

"I graduated already. Early, actually. I'm in the Army."

"Really?" Mikeala asked.

"Yeah. Nice to meet you. I'm (Y/n). (Y/n) (L/n)." I stuck out my hand for her. She smiled and shook it tightly.

"Same school, yeah. Yeah, a long time." Sam said.
"Well, do- do we have any classes together?" Mikeala asked.

"Oh. Yeah, yeah."
"Really? Which?"
"History. Language arts. Math. Science."
"Sam." Mikeala finally guessed his name.
"Sam. Yeah." Sam nodded.
"Sam Wilkicky."

God is their ast name really that hard to say?

"Wit-wicky." Sam enunciated. Mikeala started to apologize.

"God, you know what? I'm so sorry. I just-"
"No, it's cool." Sam replied.
"I just didn't recognize you." Mikeala apologized with a smile.

"Yeah, well, I mean, that's understandable."
The car was then slowing down, and the engine sounded like it was failing. "Ah, no, no, no. No. Come on."

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