Chapter 12: Battle of The Decepticons (Part 2)

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The last chapter! This book was super fun to make! I can't wait to put together Revenge of The Fallen for you guys! I know it's gonna be sweet!



(Y/n's POV)

Sam and I finally made it to the roof. I was super out of breath, but we had to keep moving. Sam ran ahead of me with the Cube tucked under his arm while I had the flare Lennox gave me.

The sound of helicopter blades came from behind me, and I quickly popped the flare to signal them where we were. They flew next to us, and a soldier reached his hands out for the Cube. Starscream was on another building across from us, waiting for the right moment.

"Wait! Sam don't-" but it was too late. Starscream fired a missle at us, shooting down the helicopter. We quickly ducked as the tail end of the helicopter swung over us, causing us both to scream.

Not a moment too soon, and Megatron came crashing through the roof while we made a run for it. Sam climbed up onto one of the buildings' statues that was over 100 feet off the ground. That idiot... is he trying to fall to his death?

Keeping the Cube away from Megatron was all that mattered now. I groaned and stood by another statue that was right next to Sam. Megatron stood up from the hole he created.

"Is it fear or courage that compels you, fleshings?" Megatron asked. I held my breath and didn't look away from Sam as I held on tightly to the statue. "Give me the Allspark, and you may live to be my pets."

I almost lost my footing as Megatron came closer to us. My breath shuddered, and my hands were hurting from how tight I was holding on to the statue.

"I'm never giving you this Allspark!" Sam yelled. I never knew how brave he really was until now. Standing at the edge of a building while fighting off a giant alien robot.

"Oh... so unwise." Megatron murmured as he shook his head, and then destroyed the part of the building Sam and I were clinging to.


We screamed as we fell to our possible deaths. But, a metal hand had caught us and pulled us to a metal chassis, shielding us with his servo.

"I got you two." Optimus said. "Hold onto the Cube!" he said before getting us down as safe as possible, shielding us from the falling debris and glass. Once we were safe on the ground, Optimus uncovered us and I was finally able to catch my breath. Sam and I glanced at each other before I smiled a little. We were alive.

"Sam, (Y/n)." Optimus rasped. "You two risked your lives to protect the Cube."

"No sacrifice." Sam said.

"No victory." I finished.

"If I cannot defeat Megatron, you must push the Cube into my chest. I will sacrifice myself to destroy it." Optimus looked defeated as he said this.

"What?! No, Optimus! You're not dying on us!" I refused to let him.

"It what needs to be done, (Y/n). Now, get behind me." He commanded.

He stood up as Megatron regained his stance. "It's you and me, Megatron." Optimus challenged.

"No, it's just me, Prime!" Megatron roared. Sam and I hid in a sewer line to avoid being squashed by their fight. Optimus is really going to sacrifice himself... there has to be something.

"At the end of this day, one shall stand, one shall fall."
The battle was on. Megatron threw Opfimus down, but he always got up. He shot him off into another building, crashing into it and shattering the windows, Optimus stayed vigilant and strong. Sam and I covered our faces as the debris blew around.

We watched with anticipation as Megatron and Optimus fought.
"What do we do?"

"I think I have an idea." Sam replied.

Jets soared through the sky. Looks like the air strike finally arrived. Missles fired and hit Megatron, blowing him down and through his chassis. Sam ran for it. "Sam!"

I quickly followed him, not wanting us to get killed. Megatron was on the ground after being shot down, he tried to avoid the missles but were targeted straight for him. Sam tried to back away. I quickly grabbed my guns and shot at Megatron, but it did no damage whatsoever.

"Mine! Allspark!" Megatron growled out.

"Sam! Put the Cube in my chest now!" Optimus ordered.
"Get out of there, Sam!" I yelled out to him.

Sam didn't listen, and he pushed the Cube towards Megatron's chest. The energy flowed into him and in return, destroyed him from the inside out. Sam stepped away, panting.

Megatron was dead.

I looked at Sam as sweat and dirt covered my face. It was over... we won.

"You left me no choice, brother." Optimus said softly to the dead robot in front of us. The Autobot leader then came down to our level. "Sam, (Y/n), I owe you two my life. We are in your debt."

Optimus stood back up. Mikeala finally found us with Bumblebee still alive. I smiled in relief to finally see our guardian alive and mostly functional.

"Prime. We couldn't save him." Ironhide sadly said.

My eyes widened at what he meant. Jazz... they lost him. Ironhide handed the two halves of his fallen comrade to his leader.

"Aw, Jazz.." Optimus kept his composure and announced. "We lost a great comrade. But gained new ones. Thank you. All of you. You honor us with your bravery."

I smiled at Ironhide, who nodded at me.

"Permission to speak, sir?" I heard a voice say. I didn't recognize it, and I realized it was Bumblebee who spoke it.

"Permission granted, old friend." Optimus replied.

"You speak now?" Sam asked, and I slapped his shoulder.
"Shut up."

"I wish to stay with the boy, and continue to protect the girl." Bumblebee said.

"If that is their choice." Optimus looked down at Sam, to which he smiled at Bee.

"Of course." I said.

I glanced over to see Optimus pull a shard out of Megatron's chest. The battle was finally over, but we knew that Sam and I won't be having a normal life after this.

(Time Skip) 

Ironhide dropped me off to where the others were settled. Bumblebee was in his alt mode as Sam and Mikeala were making out on top of him. I smiled at the scene and went over to where Optimus stood, looking over at the sunset.

"You mind if I hop up?" I asked. I saw a small smile on his face before he bent down and I crawled onto his servo, and he placed me on his shoulder. He stood back at full height as he looked back over at the sky.

My life is definitely going to be different from now on. And I don't mind it.

I don't mind at all.


The End!

This took forever to update and I am so sorry!

I can't wait to start working on book 2! I hope you guys enjoyed! Let me know what you guys thought in the comments!


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